Chapter Seven

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  • Dedicated to Lizzy Erana, my friend, who has only a few months left to live :'((

Chapter Seven:

The news spread like wildfire.


​By the time it reached half of fourth period, everyone who knew about me and Patrick being seatmates for twelve years got the news that a person with a V family name came between us. I honestly think they shouldn't be making such a big deal of it.

​The Valentine twins were still a bit clueless but they were soon getting the message that it had something to do with Patrick and me. No freaking duh. After all those stares back in first period, I'm pretty sure they already knew.

​I was both thankful and annoyed though that no one bothered telling them what happened. I guess they wanted me to explain but then sucked explaining something concerning yourself.

​I should be happy that Patrick and I aren't seatmates anymore. I mean, he does infuriate me every time we're together. And I had to make sure the tiny little feelings didn't grow back to what happened in the sixth grade.

​But I have to say I missed him being by my side for four periods. The strange thing was, the Valentine twins kept alternating between each other! I mean like first period was both of them and then next was only Ethan and then the next was Angel and then Ethan again!

​Ethan was good. He and Jo kept talking but when she had to leave us for her fourth period class, I was left all alone with him on the way to Technology and Livelihood Education (T.L.E). Patrick was my partner but now, it was Ethan. It felt kinda weird, you know? I wasn't used to this.

​Angel was pretty good...though she had a bit of a...slutty nature to her? She flirted with any of the boys who approached her. But she was friendly, all the same. I wouldn't be surprised if she joined the better part of the Witch Club though.

​Right now, Ethan and I were copying down notes. Our school was weird. Everyone would have expected the classroom to come right away with all the kitchen materials and stuff like that. But no, the school had a TLE lab right next to the Computer and Science labs.

​"So," Ethan said when he sat up and closed his notebook. I finished five minutes earlier than him. "You got a thing for this Patrick?"

​I was taken aback by his straightforwardness. My heart skipped a beat at how very close he was. I acted nonchalant though even though the said person was like behind me and two chairs away from me.

​I scoffed and then burst out in little fake giggles. I didn't feel the laugh...but it was pretty believable.

​"How'd you come up with that conclusion, Ethan?" I asked, still sniggering.

​He shrugged, a small smile coming up at the corners. "Well, it's because everyone in first period to now are all looking at me like I interrupted something. And then they keep glancing at you and your former seatmate."

​That had me alert. "They have?" I looked around me and noticed the people in the nearby chairs shifted quickly in their seats. A few of them were whispering. I rolled my eyes. "They're always like that. Don't mind them."

​Ethan frowned.

​We were quiet for a few minutes. I glanced up at him and noticed his conflicting emotions. He was battling something within himself. I had to admit, he was pretty cute when his brows get all furrowed up.

​"Would you tell me why everyone gasped when Angel and I said our names?" He finally asked. Well, it was pretty obvious he was going to ask that. But why did it take him four periods to ask?

​"Why this long?"


​I rolled my eyes. "Why did it take you this long to ask that question? You had the opportunity for the last three periods but you never did."

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