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What It Is-
Beltane, also known as Mayday, is the very beginning of May, and its purpose is to continue the celebration of Spring and to celebrate the coming of summer and fertility. Some people refer to Beltane as 'The Fire Festival' because Beltane roughly translates to 'bright fire.' The bonfire symbolizes the return of light as the days lengthen and summer begins its journey upon the earth.

Beltane Correspondances-

Animals; Swallow, Dove, Cats, Lynx
Colors; Red, White, Brown, Pink, Green
Crystals; Malachite, Amber, Carnelian, Emerald, Rose Quartz, Sapphire
Foods; Dairy, Breads, Cereals
Herbs; Mint, Yarrow, Thyme, Mugwort
Gods; Bacchus, Cernunnos, Pan
Goddesses; Aphrodite, Artemis, Bast, Flora
When; May First
Deities; Aphrodite, Diana, Venus, Flora
Herbs; Frankincense, Daisy, Ivy, Lilac, Marigold
Food; Breads, Cake, Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy
Crystals; Emerald, Sapphire, Malachite
Symbols; Flowers, Seeds, Ribbon, Acorns

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