a magical circle is an energetic construct you build or envision around yourself before performing magical workings. a circle serves two main purposes;-Provides protection
-Container for your personal energy to conjure.Casting a circle should be performed whenever you are doing spell work, ritual work, or any other magical working.
To Cast One;
♦️Cleanse yourself and your space with your favorite cleansing product (sage, sandalwood, Rosemary incense, salt water)
♦️Mark out a physical representation of a circle. This can be made of salt, crystals, sticks, ribbon, candles, rose petals, etc. this is optional, as you can just use your energy if you wish. Proceed to 'draw' your circle with your finger, wand, athame, pointed crystal, or whatever you use. Start at north, moving clockwise.
♦️While drawing, say a blessing, prayer, or spell. For example;
"I draw this circle for protection and let no negative energy or entities enter my sacred space, blessed be."♦️Greer whoever you work with, depending on your path this can be different for everyone. This can be gods, goddesses, ancestors, spirit guides, animal guides, guardians, or simply call in each of the elements of earth, air, fire, and water while casting your circle at each corresponding direction.
♦️After the welcoming, perform your spell work, meditation, ritual, ceremony, etc. Optionally, you can have items to represent each elemental direction, such as colored candles.
♦️Always, once you are complete and done working, close the circle by thanking whoever you invited in and using the item you used to cast to then 'draw' counterclockwise saying a closing pray, thanks, and blessing.
"Thank you, -blank-, for coming to my spell work/ritual and keeping me protected and safe. Blessed be."♦️Clean up your sacred space. Vacuum or sweep any salt and dispose of it. Feel free to cleanse with your favorite product again to remove residual energies.
Chant Examples-
"Guardians of the *direction*, element of the *element*, I call upon thee to be present during this spell working. Please join me now and bless and protect this circle."
"*Who you welcomed in* Please be present with me during this ritual. Bless this circle and keep me protected and safe. No unwanted entities or energies are welcome, only pure, divine beings are invited into this space. This circle is cast, so mote it be."

personal book of shadows
Randomso this is my witch bitch book that will never be posted 😔 SIIIIKE sup bitches here's my old book of shadows I don't use anymore. enjoy. - completed