Smudging is burning herbs (most commonly sage) to get rid of negative energy on yourself, your home, or any other space.Smudging can be useful when you're feeling depressed, angry, resentful, unwell, after you have had an argument with someone, after feeling a negative presence in your home, or feel as if there are unwanted spirits about.
You would typically buy a smudge stick for this. You can make your own or buy one from most new age stores.
Smudging is thousands of years old, as it was used by Native Americans, in Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Egypt in a way to cleanse a space from bad spirits and negative energy.
To smudge, light a smudge stick and let it catch fire. Extinguish the flame and let the smoke billow from the stick. Walk around your home, letting the smoke get everywhere. In every room, in every cupboard, every corner, etc. It may be useful to use a bowl to catch any ashes.
The smoke is non-dangerous and will not harm pets nor you. Everything is cool as long as the pets are okay tbh.

personal book of shadows
De Todoso this is my witch bitch book that will never be posted 😔 SIIIIKE sup bitches here's my old book of shadows I don't use anymore. enjoy. - completed