•connected to moon
•colors blue, silver, white
•spells: enhancing psychic, power, peace, wisdomTuesday-
•connected to Mars
•colors black, orange, red
•spells: cursing, protection, courage, strengthWednesday-
•connected to Mercury
•colors orange and purple
•spells: luck, wealth, wisdomThursday-
•connected to Jupiter
•colors blue, green, and purple
•spells: protection, healing, wealthFriday-
•connected to Venus
•color is pink
•spells: love, friendshipSaturday-
•connected to Saturn
•colors black and purple
•spells: cursing, protection, cleansing, banishing, bindingSunday-
•connected to the Sun
• colors gold and yellow
• spells: healing, success, wealth

personal book of shadows
Aléatoireso this is my witch bitch book that will never be posted 😔 SIIIIKE sup bitches here's my old book of shadows I don't use anymore. enjoy. - completed