Part 9 : should i tell her?

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Chloe *pov*

I feel bad for Beca, she got dumped just like that.. Well if you asked me if i am happy about it then the answer is yes, cause that means that I have an opportunity to get closer to Beca, but also I want Beca to be happy, and if happy for Beca is Stacie then I should feel bad for her, i know i'm such a dick. And after I asked the question about the kiss to Beca, she quickly told me to leave and now it has been a week since stacie and Beca broke up and a week of Beca ignoring me... Maybe I shouldn't have asked about the kiss.. No i feel that I clearly am the bad friend. Beca showed up a couple times at practice but still she ignored me.. She only give me a simple smile or say hi to me but that just that.. I'm getting tired of this so after school I quckly walk to Beca's dorm and knocked the door

The door open slowly and there this very annoyed looking Beca in front of me
"What?" She said which broke my heart cause she clearly dont wanna see me

" 'Oh hey Chloe please come in' " I say sarcastically at her, i know i shouldn't do that but i need an explanation for why she is ignoring me.

"Listen Chlo I mean thank you for being there when I was broken but clearly talking about our kiss after my broke up wasnt a very nice move-" She said rolling her eyes

"Okay Becs maybe that wasn't the best move but that doesn't mean that you have to ignore me all the damn week with no such reason" I am getting impatient

"Oh so you came here just to know the reason without freaking appologize okay.. Now you know so get out of my freaking dorm!" Damn it I dont think if this is going to end this way.. She just shut the door in front of my face.. Now my world is crashing down, breaking up with Tom feels useless, i was crying so hard then i sit on the floor looking very stupid.. But my heart is breaking right now, not just that my opportunity with Beca is now close but our friendship also ruined.. I wish i never have said those words

Beca *pov*

Maybe you guys wondering why I ignored chloe okay let me explain.. So when Chloe asked me about the kiss, my brain cant registered anything and i actually think that the kiss means something which is really bad.. Cause I really dont want to be into some relationship anymore cause I know it'll break my heart, so the option i have left is to ignored chloe, it's hard. Then Chloe came today suddenly become an asshole... Well... I'm actually the asshole and now I hear Chloe still crying on the front door

Okay fuck, I open the door and quickly hug her, my all plan was all fuck up but i dont care, cause I dont want her crying because of me. She hug me back

"I-i-i am so s-sorry Becs I" I quickly cut her off

"Shush I'm the one that should be sorry, i shouldnt ignore you, now let's just get in" I pick her up and took her hand

After awhile finally she's finish crying
"Here drink this, you lost a lot of water in your body" I chuckled as i lend her the water bottle

"Thanks" She said not looking at me..

"Hey.. Eyes up" She brought her head up and look at me

"It's not your fault" I reasure her

"It is, i shouldnt have asked you about the kiss.. I'm so stupid I-"
I cut her off

"No your not stupid chlo, hhh umm that wasnt actually the reason why I ignored you"

She furrowed her eyebrows questioning

"Um I was actually gonna say yes" I look down a little shy

Chloe *pov*

Aww she so cute when she's shy, eh wait.. OMG did she just
"Yes" She said, as if she read my mind

"I-I" I was cleary stunned, never expected her to think that the kiss mean something

"I understand if you dont want to be my friend I shou-" I cut her off with a kiss, her lips is so soft even if it was quick, it was magical to kiss her lips again

"I feel it to Becs" I said with a cheeky smile anyway she look kinda shock i kiss her.. Oh well

"I dont know what to say" She said smiling

"Anyway are you ignoring me because you are afraid for being rejected?" Actually need to know the answer

"Umm yes and no, I've been in relationship before chlo and it will always ended with breaking up and broken hearts, I just dont want to feel that again, last time when I was with Brittany, I was really broken when we had to broke up cause I really loved her" Oh I just remember, I never ask beca what is the reason behind of Beca and Brit break up.. I have to hold up, i just have to wait till beca told me herself

"Umm chlo?" I just realize I was zoning out

"Um yes Bec? Sorry I was just thinking"
I said as I scratch my neck and then suddenly her eyes get wide

"OMG" I became worried

"What bec?"

"You're with Tom but you like me, were u just playing with my feelings just like that, I cant believe you" She said tearing up, I mentally slap my forehead

I forgot to tell her

"Um Bec, I already broke up with Tom"

"What? When? Um Why?" She asked looking very confused

"Calm down becs" I chuckled

"I know just tell me"she said really want to know

" Well i think it was 2 weeks ago, and I was with Tom because my Mom told me too and so was Tom's dad, but his dad realize that his son loves someone else and now he let go of him and respect his decision, that's why we broke up" I explain

"Okay but why you agree with your mom even though you dont like him?"

"Well I love my mom, so I dont want to let her down, she push me to go out with him"

And then she look down looking like she want to tell me somethin

"Whats up becs?"

"Um I-" 'Blam!' Stacie open the door and look shocked to see me here, and i was shocked to see her here too

"Uh hey Chlo" She said awkward

"Hey Stace, why are u here?"

"Um this is my dorm, and i'm beca's roomate duh,.. The real question iss,.. Why are you two here alone in my dorm" She said smirking, huh i dont get it.. So she is Beca's roommate and her ex.. Shouldnt she'll be mad to see me here?

"Ups I guess I make red confused" Stacie said smiling

"Becs what's goin on? I dont get it" I asked Beca, and now she took my hand and lead me outside

"Explain" I said sternly with one eyebrow raised

"So uh, Stacie was my 'fake girlfriend', it wasnt my idea okay.. It was hers.. She said if we do that then I will now that You like me.. I'm sorry and the breakup was just made up, i know it's maybe confused u or make u mad for this I-"

"Becs breath" As i watch her trying to catch her breath

"Okay so you and stacie was never been together?"

"Um no" Beca said looking down

"You dont know how jealous I am looking two of you laughing at each other and stuff ugh" I dont understand my feelings, i feel anger because I was jealous for no reason, feeling stupid cause Beca played me, relieve that it was over, ugh I feel numb

"Listen Chlo I'm sorry for playing with your feelings, I didn't know you like me before, and I thought you were still with Tom, so forgive me?"  She asked as she hold both of my hand

Damn... Should I forgive her?

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