the war begins

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The second Weltkrieg was over, the kaiserreich was victorious over the French commune as Kaiser wilhelm III leading the German empire and by extension Mittleeuropa, another 'peace with honor' was signed between them and the british, both knowing an invasion was both impractical and nearly if not entirely impossible. In the America's the American Union State(A.U.S) has won the 2 american civil war and also participated in the second weltkrieg by taking the dominion of canada and the united syndicalists of mexico, the latter more for revenge than much else for they are the reason New York became a bombed out crater of a city is Pittsburgh. Both serving as grim reminders of the war, but also the new order. For the cities were being rebuilt and though wall street was effectively razed by the radicals a new stock market found itself in New Orleans. The pacific states however were not involved at all in the wars for the Pacific states of America, still alive astonishingly broke away as soon as the war started and prefer to be left alone in their isolation, though that in the eyes of the rest of the world will come back to bite them in the ass because they are still using rotary planes and have yet to move past the Sherman tank design. There are talks however of a joint nuclear invasion of the Union of Britain (U.B) between the two superpowers. But now our story starts in rebuilding New York where a portal opens on what was once Times square. .....

Imperial POV

When General Tiberius Augustus stepped out of the gate he was expecting to see hovels and a malnourished people just waiting to be conquered, instead he found strange structures of both metal and rock lying broken and twisted, and empty streets, he knew this a city however. He could see what he assumed were slaves carrying stones and moving them.

Lieutenant: Perhaps we have arrived at a quarry of some kind?

Tiberius: Possibly...though I wonder how big this land is.

Lieutenant: Does it matter? We will conquer them just like the warrior bunnies.

Tiberius: Ha, I suppose you are correct my friend. I Tiberius Julio Augustus declare these lands property to emperor Molt Sol Augustus of the Sarderan empire! Submit you barbarian scum!

The 'barbarians' just looked at him with puzzled expressions in the generals mind they were too shocked to do anything to a 'obviously' superior people. But as they started to take slaves and conquer and they met stiff resistance from men in blue and others wearing either green or dark blue but they merely slowed down the advance, though the resources diverted to get rid of them left much to be desired, though in a tall tower these barbarians were making stiff resistance, their dragon riders couldn't get through it's walls so the men had to resort to more conventional senses. That meant a slow grind into the only realistic entrance but that was proving to be one hell of a meat grinder as when they tried to advance the enemy magies let loose a torrent of magic killing most if not all who tried to force their way in.

American union state POV Atlanta Georgia

Huey Long was doing what he was used to doing now, paperwork. While repetitive as it was it was necessary for his union, especially now that they took Mexico and canada. But the paper he was writing in now were battle plans, plans against the Pacific states of America. The PSA have been getting bolder under their new president. Under false assumed superiority the PSA president has been demanding states like Nevada and Oregon. Huey knew before long war would happen, but it would be the AUS who make the first move, they were the second nuclear capable country, the first being Germany though the AUS made the first bomb Germany dropped the first live bomb at Orleans commune of France. Effectively ending the war on mainland Europe. Anyway's the PSA is still using rotary planes and most of their soldiers have bolt actions and rely on Sherman tanks. The AUS has tommy guns, and more semi automatic weaponry with jet planes and bombers. They have medium tanks and heavy tanks and their industrial output exceeds the PSA multiple times over. But as he was writing the attack plans his door burst open by General Patton.

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