And The Winner Is... Liv!

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Shawn's singing, I'm singing, we look at each other and he hugs me, I stop singing and kiss him on his cheek so he could still sing.

Alessia: U sing like an angel, Shawn.

Shawn: But I'm not as good as u.

Shawn kissed me and I kissed him back. But someone woke me up caressing my hair. I opened my eyes, it was Shawn.

Shawn: Oh, finally awake. It's late and we must rehearse.

Alessia: Yes! And Liv?? Where is she??

Shawn: She is preparing the breakfast with Kion.

Alessia: Okey, go with them. I'm with u guys in a moment.

I kissed him and dressed up.

Alessia: Hi Liv! Hi Kion!

Olivia: Hey Ale! I prepared pancakes.

Alessia: Oh, thanks!!

Olivia: You're welcome hahaha.

I ate and talked with Olivia. Shawn was playing with Kion. When I finished my breakfast I went with Shawn.

Alessia: What are my babies doing??

Shawn: So... I'm you baby hahaha.

Alessia: I don't know. What do you think?

Shawn: I think that U are my baby.

Alessia: Awww, come here, Shawn.

I kissed him and hugged him.

Shawn: Would you go with to the mall after the rehearse?

Alessia: It sound great!! If course I'll go.

We played a little with Kion, it's cool be with my son and my... Shawn.


I have already sang. Now Shawn is singing, his voice has something special, I love it. I would like to compose a song with him.

Shawn: Okey, wanna coffee??

Alessia: Yes, I need replenish forces haha.

We are drinking our coffees. I love him and I want say him I love u, I want be with u, I want you to be my boyfriend but every time I try... The words don't come out of my mouth.

Shawn: Alessia, are u Ok??

Alessia: Yes, I'm just thinking.

Shawn: About??

Alessia: About... I don't know.

Shawn: Ale-

Alessia: About how much I love u.

Shawn: Aww, me too haha.

Alessia: Haha, oh there is a pet shop. What if we look for some things for Kion??

Shawn: Okey!

Alessia: Come on!

Shawn: This ball is cool.

Alessia: Yea, Kion will like it a lot.

Shawn: And this toy!

Alessia: Oh I love it!

Shawn: Do we buy it??

Alessia: Yes!

We bought the toy and the ball and went back to the bus.

Olivia: Hi! You have returned! It's soon!

Alessia: A little, but we bought a toy for Kion and we want give it to the puppy.

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