Chapter XXXVI

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"So what has you bothered that requires my assistance?" I sat down across the table from Vane as he looked back down the road where we left Matchstick at with his newly acquainted friends. "I was attacked by someone when I was sailing south of Cuba nearly a month ago." He finally answered. I gave a more curious stare while holding back my comments until he finally turned his head towards me asking, "What?" I gave up my questionable stare before I asked, "Now who'd be a fool to attack you Vane?" "Ever heard of some band calling themselves the White Fang?" I sat back and shook my head calmly while he scoffed before he began to explain who they were. Sitting there I listened intently to every detail, every name he brought up from some lass named Sienna to some warlord called Taurus. As he began to end his story I asked before he finished, "What would provoke them to attack your ship?" He leaned over towards me answering in a more serious tone, "They're not fond of humans doing something kind for their brethren." "Fanuses?" I asked in which he gave a sharp nod answering my question. We both sat there in silence before he brought up something regarding a large vessel hiding behind a curtain of fog while he himself was facing the assault from this ship manned by nothing but Fanuses. "Some ship...this ship was something else." He stated. I gave him a more slant look of confusion, yet those words made it all feel all too familiar. The longer I sat on the sooner a question built up which soon had me asking it to Vane. "By chance..." I began getting his attention while I looked at the bay in the distance behind him. " chance is this ship you mentioned have pale grey sails with a similar nature surrounding the ship's hull with a sea monster under the bowsprit, and bones used as some decoration around the ship?" Vane's reaction as he stared at me as I looked right at him said I was more than right with that question. "Just one thing was different." He said. Leaning towards him to listen closely he said, "There was nothing on the front other than rows of teeth giving it a leviathan look itself. The ship looks like nothing more than a monster itself. Given its size this thing-this...ghost ship is massive in size, and undoubtedly well armed." I felt a cold shiver run down my back as I leaned away back into a more comfortable position now thinking over that galleon I made a run from in that storm. Sitting there in silence while Vane began to light one of his cigars I heard something bark, and instinct told me not to turn my head, but to look up. Good timing too to be exact. Diving towards me Zwei came crashing down until he reduced his speed before landing on my head before hopping onto one of my shoulders while I pulled something from my pocket. "Needs a bit of work there bird brain." I commented before passing him a cracker which he took with glee. Both Zwei, and I looked across the table towards Vane as he gave us the most confused expression I've ever seen since the day I met him. "Best to keep any questions to yourself. I can only answer with a simple saying; it's a long story." Zwei gave a rather happy bark before taking flight once more circling around me from above as I got up, and began to walk towards the bay where my ship laid anchored. "Where are you going now?" Vane asked getting up from his chair. "To find a ghost ship. Mind tagging along mate? It'll be quicker for us both if you join." Catching up to me as I slowed down he walked alongside me asking, "You're not the smartest one are you?" I looked over with a sly smirk as I replied, "Obviously. Look who I'm walking next to." That look he gave me earned a a dumb laugh from me as I kept walking before he kindly said, "Fuck you." I stopped, and turned around to bow with my hand extended out before narrowly avoiding his hand coming at me with intentions to slap the smile off my head. "I'll fucking kill you." He stated. "Many have tried, and many have failed Charles! Feel free to join their numbers." I commented as we continued to walk. "So how do you plan on sailing with me if my ship's under repairs?" He asked only for a quick response from me. "Who said anything about me sailing with you?" As we arrived at the wall marking the edge of town from the beach I stopped to look behind us with this uneasy feeling something, or someone was following us. "Something wrong?" Vane asked looking in the same general direction I was looking at. "Not sure. Ever get that feeling something, or someone is tailing you?" I barely looked over to see Charles give a slight nod before I turned away heading towards the long boat with several of my crew camped around it having a bite with something to drink it down. "Pull up next to my ship just down there." Vane said pointing before walking in that direction. "Make it fast! I'd like to find this ship as soon as possible." "What ship would that be?" A familiar voice rang out. Looking behind me I watched my quartermaster come walking from somewhere to see me as I replied, "We may have a bigger problem at hand Mister Gates. I'll explain it on board the Walrus." As the oars hit the water the men had the long boat moving at a good pace Gates looked at me asking, "So that ship you mentioned, what's so important it requires Vane for assistance?" I turned myself on the plank I was sitting on to face my second in command before answering his question with a simple question of my own. "You remember that galleon that tried to chase us in the storm with ill intentions?" "Aye." "Somewhere south of the Cuban island Vane was attacked by a ship crewed by nothing but faunuses in a fog, however, some time before the battle he swore he saw a glimpse of a large vessel barring a strikingly similar design of that galleon we had a run in with only much larger." "And you wish to find it?! Have you gone m-" "Mad as I may be this isn't something I wish to sit on Hal. Whoever...or whatever this ship may be it can't remain a shadow in these waters. Too much is at stake, and I don't wish for this ship to find us at our most vulnerable."

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