Chapter II

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Qrow's POV:

I stayed further back this time to watch Summer and where the hell I was stepping. I kept walking far behind her till I felt tired and decided it would be better if I turned into a bird and stalk her from above where she wasn't looking. She looked back every time she stopped and took a quick rest while looking at something around her neck before moving on which made me wonder. What's she hiding there? I turned back to myself far away when Summer stopped at a creek to rest up and get her bearings straight. Before I flew away to rest myself I took note that she was using a compass that a sailor would carry. I started to ask myself some questions in my head thinking about what I saw. Did that pirate give that to her? What went on between the two? Does she even know what happen to him? After I flew in a circle to see if I was far enough I landed near the same creek far away from her and rested myself.

Summer's POV:

The sun was starting to set while I was sitting near a creek I came across until several Boarbatusk attacked me from the other side in three pairs. I quickly grabbed my scythe and dispatched the first one that came within a inch of maiming me. I spun my weapon over my head and took a defensive stance ready for the other five to attack me. Three of them charged at me from different directions while the bigger two followed behind them in a pincer movement. I jumped over the one coming in from my left and decapitated it in one swift motion. I quickly turned around to dodge one of the big two that came up behind the first three and waited for the other three. I focused on the other big Boarbatusk that collided with the last two smaller ones and charged at it. I stabbed it in the back of its head while lifting myself over it as the last big Boarbatusk tried to hit me from behind. I ripped my scythe out and spun it around me killing the two smaller ones as they tried to attack me from my sides as I landed. Before I could take on the last one it died from a man jumping on top of it and stabbing it in the head with a wrist blade attached to him. I heard him laugh maniacally while running back across the creek and into the woods. I gave chase to him and stayed on his tail until I caught up to him, upon seeing him standing there staring at me I noticed a tail swinging behind him. "Who are you?" He chuckled and started to walk in a circular motion across from me. I started to do the same till he lunged at me and tried to stab me with his wrist blades while sailing through the air. I managed to knock him back till his tail swung sharply across my arm and gave me a large gash. I clutched my arm and stared at him with hatred in my eyes, but I was caught off guard when he started to taunt me. "Oh look at Ozpin's best warrior already on her knees. It's a real shame that I didn't get to have more fun with you. Heh-heh-heh-heh!" I got off my knee and took a stance readying myself for his net attack which came really quick. He tackled me and held me by the throat while trying to stab me with his tail. "She'll be ecstatic when she hears that I killed Ozpin's Silver Eyed Warrior." I felt tears streaming down my my face as he choked me while positioning his tail to end my life. While he sat on top of me laughing I could feel the life leave my body as my eyes started to show what looked to be a silver flame and took a last glance at someone quickly approaching behind this man. His hands quickly left my neck as he was thrown to my left in surprise from the man who attacked him. I rolled over and back onto my knees and hand while I held my neck coughing from the man's grasp. I looked up to see my savior parrying each and every attack that came to him while the faunus tried to regain his composure. "It's gonna take  a lot more than a few daggers and a pointy tail to rid of me from this Earth bastard!" I tried to get up and help but landed back into my original position until I realized whose voice that was. "J-Jac-" I fell into another coughing fit trying to say Jack's name as he kept fighting that lunatic. I saw him get stabbed in the leg and fall to the grown which prompted me to quickly get up and knock the faunus away. I lunged at him and brought the back of my scythe down on him in a swinging motion and hit him several yards away before I heard Jack say, "He's not giving in Summer, it'd be best if you show him what you can truly do." I looked at him quickly before looking at the man getting back up. "I-I...I don't know if I can. Ozpin told me i-" He interrupted me replying, "Ozpin says a lot of things, but never has he shown you any proof Summer! This man's gonna kill us if you don't stop him!" I started to choke and shake until the man before us taunted me once more. "When I'm finish with the both of you, your daughter is gonna get a long, torturous, painful death like you!" I felt my anger flare up and blackness take over as the powers inside me come forth and attack the faunus. I hit the ground but didn't have a rough landing when a pair of hands caught me and gently laid me back down. "Di-did I stop hi-him?" "Aye you put a stop to his actions, but he ran off like a coward he is." I tried to get up, but was gently pushed back down. "Rest Summer. That power took a lot of energy out of ye." I started to cry and asked, "Where have you been Jack? I've waited for you for so long." I felt him embrace me into a hug as he replied, "It's a long story Summer, but it's not gonna be a good one." "Wh-what do you mean!?" I suddenly was lifted to the air and onto my feet as he said, "We need to go now!" I tried to ask again, but was knocked down as someone attacked him. I looked up and saw a tall man standing in front of me saying, "How the hell did you come back!? We got rid of you!" "Sorry about that mate. I couldn't let Summer fend herself from people like you." I could barely see their faces but I knew Jack was beating him back. I felt myself being lifted up and suddenly was running. "Summer I'll explain things later, but you need to get lost now!" "What do you-" "Don't ask till we get to the ship! I'll explain everything there." As he kept running while supporting me I heard another voice, one coming from my head. "Don't run Summer, or you'll condemn Ruby for a lifetime." I tried to ask who was that, but choked when I heard him speak of Ruby. "You run now, and she'll be paying for your actions." I tried to get Jack to stop but he picked me up and kept going. "Wa-wait! I can't leave Ruby behind!" He quickly replied that made me break out in tears. "I'm sorry Summer, but I can't risk you getting caught. Ruby will survive that I promise, but we can't stay in Remnant any longer!" "I can't leave my-" "SUMMER LISTEN TO ME! I KNOW YOU DON'T WANT TO LEAVE LITTLE RUBY BEHIND, BUT IT'S QUITE CLEAR HE'S NOT GONNA LET YOU LIVE THE WAY YOU WANT. YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A WEAPON TO HIM AND HE'LL BE DAMNED TO LET YOU LIVE ANY LONGER!" I could say anything to that, not even ask who it was. He just kept running and running till we were no longer being chased. "Ruby will never have a life of leisure Summer. Remember it's all your fault." I hugged him and cried while saying to myself, "I'm so sorry Ruby. I'm terribly sorry. Please forgive me." I cried all the way to Jack's ship and never forgot what happened this day. I'll come back for you Ruby, I promise!

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