Reason 2

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Reason 2. Wang Yibo's too cold.

Xiao Zhan wrote the words down in a warm afternoon. He tapped his pencil lightly on the desk and sighed. Wang. Yibo. A. Cold. Jerk. That's what Xiao Zhan believed in ever since they broke up. It was honestly 5 months ago. But seemed that Xiao Zhan couldn't just let Wang Yibo get away.

Why was he frustrated with him? It's because Yibo didn't try hard enough for their relationship to last. Even though Xiao Zhan was a bit tired, he didn't give up and kept holding on. Who thought that it was Yibo who would let go? The man who actually asked Xiao Zhan out on their graduation day from college. And ever since then, they've been together for 5 years, Xiao Zhan guessed that Yibo fell out of love, but he didn't. And he still didn't.

Xiao Zhan wanted to let Yibo regret his decisions and make him feel guilty. If someone was to judge Xiao Zhan, they'd say it was better to move on and forget. Meet new people and fall in love with new people. But Xiao Zhan couldn't. He just can't.

Xiao Zhan updated the site once again. There was of course, negative feedback as always. He didn't pay any attention to those. Xiao Zhan continued with his notebook. Writing an explanation about Yibo being too cold on his notebook was a piece of cake. Wasn't he always cold? Wang Yibo is always very insensitive and will always be. Yibo doesn't care if he was feeling upset, like a day when Xiao Zhan wasn't accepted to an artist crew, Yibo only stayed silent, he didn't even bother to comfort Xiao Zhan. Even a friend would comfort him. But Wang Yibo doesn't.

Xiao Zhan stood up from his chair a took a sip from his cold chocolate drink and sighed. "Time is almost up," he murmured to himself and looked outside the window. The sun was close to setting and Xiao Zhan just intaked the scenery before him.

People walking by and cars passing through, the city looked lively. You can see a group of friends hanging out or couples being together. Xiao Zhan could remember how fun it was when Yibo- shaking his head, he thinks it's better not to remember happy memories since it will only cause him more pain in the end.

"Ah, Yibo, you cold hearted man. Why did I even fall for you?"

Xiao Zhan smiled to himself. And if someone saw his expression, it can only be described, a smile filled with sorrows. Xiao Zhan thought that he was a very stupid man.

He puts down his cup and closed his notebook. It's always better to sleep in the afternoon.
Sorry for the typos! Tell me if there are any errors!

10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Fall in Love with Wang YiboWhere stories live. Discover now