Reason 8

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Reason 8. Wang Yibo is a cheater.

Xiao Zhan immediately closed his notebook and shoved it in his bag. "Did you finish the layout?" Wang Yibo asked as he approached him. Xiao Zhan averted his gaze and coughed slighty, "Ah, almost. I was just thinking how many works can be shown? Is there a limit?"

"There's no limit, but the more the better. Also, if you need assistance, just call Guo Cheng," Wang Yibo said impassively and without waiting for Xiao Zhan's reply he went to accomodate other things. Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes and huffed. "What a bossy jerk," he murmured under his breath.

Xiao Zhan then took out his sketchpad and tried to finish the sketched layout.

Sadly, Zhang Fangxin isn't here today, it seems that Wang Yibo doesn't want him to get too close with Xiao Zhan and assigned him to a different task so they won't meet. Xiao Zhan felt extremely lonely and out of place, he doesn't feel like socializing with others every since he was too depressed about everything.

He just remembered what Fangxin told him 5 days ago, "It was a self-portrait of you, smiling happily."

Xiao Zhan doesn't remember anything making a self-portrait and Fangxin also said that it was in their house. Who painted it? Wang Yibo? Xiao Zhan made a bitter laugh and sighed. That's impossible, why make and keep something that's not worth it? Zhang Fangxin didn't get to explain about the painting since he was called by Wang Yibo at that time.

"Um, Mr. Zhan?" Xiao Zhan looked up and saw a young man, around Zhang Fangxin's age. "Ah? Yes, what is it?"

"Mr. Yibo said that you should finish the layout faster," the man worriedly said. This Wang Yibo sure is bossy ah! He just told him not too long ago about the layout and now he's being reminded once again. "Is that so? Wait, are you Guo Cheng?"

"Yes, sir," he replied with a short bow. Xiao Zhan smiled at him. "Can you help me with this?"

"Eh? M-Me?" Guo Cheng asked surprisingly and pointed himself, Xiao Zhan nodded with a smile. "Yes, since that bossy boss of ours is making us rush this, help me out, yeah?"

"Alright!" Guo Cheng replied and laughed. He's actually a person I can get along with. Xiao Zhan thought and then immediately started working on the layout.

• • •

They eventually finished the layout in time before Wang Yibo could complain. "It was nice working with you, Guo Cheng," Xiao Zhan said as he smiled at the younger man. "You too, Zhan-ge."

"Enough talking, Zhan, you're commissioned to paint the 5 idols for today," Wang Yibo said as he suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes and frowned, "Can't we take a short break first? It's lunch time right now," he explained and Yibo just looked at him for a while. Guo Cheng already excused himself and disappeared from the scene.

"Alright, don't take too long," his ex said impassively and walked away. "Don't take too long," Xiao Zhan mockingly repeated the other man's words and huffed.

He took out his lunch, which is just basically a bag of. chocolates. Others were eating their lunch boxes and looked at Xiao Zhan weirdly. Haven't they seen someone eat chocolate as their lunch before? He ignored their stares and munched on his sweets.

He finished eating quickly and immediately went to find his damn ex. After looking for five minutes he spotted him talking to someone. It was a beautiful girl with long straight hair and has very fair skin. As Xiao Zhan approached closer to the two, he let out a soft cough and excused himself, "Ah, so who's the first person I'm gonna paint?"

The two people who were talking earlier turned to look at him. "Zhan, this is Li Qin. She's the first model you're gonna paint," Wang Yibo introduce the beautiful woman and Xiao Zhan smiled at her, "Well miss Qin, why don't we start?"

"Ahaha! What a charming artist you are!" Li Qin said with a laugh and Xiao Zhan just chuckled at her remark. Wang Yibo looked at their exchange and didn't say anything.

• • •

Xiao Zhan was beyond exhausted as he painted 3 people in one day. His wrist hurts and he felt tired. Only a few people were left at the building since most of them went home. Surely, the people who were only left is him, Guo Cheng, his jerky ex and the forth person he's painting, named, Tang Yu.

Xiao Zhan already told Wang Yibo that he can't paint 5 people in one day since it was too much, so the forth person is the last one for the day. He was quite relieved that Yibo agreed and has Guo Cheng to assist him. After 2 hours, Xiao Zhan finally finished and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for you hard work, Zhan-ge," Guo Cheng said as he took his bag. "Ah, you too, kiddo," Xiao Zhan replied and Guo Cheng frowned at him, "Zhan-ge, I'm already 22 and how can you even call me a kid," he complained and Xiao Zhan laughed at the younger man.

"Aish, you should be grateful that you're young!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be going now, Zhan-ge!" Guo Cheng said and waved goodbye at his senior and went off.

Obviously, it was only Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo left on the building. It was already pretty late and they still have some fixing to do. They were both silent as they were doing their respective jobs when suddenly Wang Yibo spoke, "There's extra food left at the lobby area, you should eat it if you're feeling hungry."

Xiao Zhan immediately looked at his ex who had his back turned at him. What? Xiao Zhan thought and coughed awkwardly, "Ah, no, thank you."

"Are you sure? You didn't eat any rice earlier," Wang Yibo said as he turned to look at him.

Xiao Zhan felt a foreign feeling swell inside him. "I, uh, I'm sure," Xiao Zhan replied as he averted his gaze and continued to work. Wang Yibo didn't say anything after that.

After they finished cleaning up and fixing, they went out and locked the building. As Xiao Zhan was about to leave and said a quick, "I'll be going now, bye," suddenly a warm hand stopped him from his tracks.

"Zhan, take the food. I'm worried that you didn't eat anything," the voice from behind him said. Xiao Zhan was feeling mixed emotions. "Yibo, I told you, I'm not-"

"Just take it, please," the other man pleaded and Xiao Zhan couldn't take it any longer. He took his hand from Yibo's grasp and turned to face the said man. "Why are you doing this? Giving me mixed signals, suddenly you care if I ate or not? Are you here to play with my feelings again?" Xiao Zhan croaked out and angrily faced Wang Yibo. "I..." the other man trailed off. Xiao Zhan gave a bitter laugh as tears were forming in his eyes. He couldn't take it anymore. His chest hurts so much and this man made it even worse. Wang Yibo just looked at him apologetically.

"Staying silent again for the millionth time! No reason to say and meaningless actions. Can you please..." Xiao Zhan's words died down as he was already crying. It was hard to speak, his throat hurts from shouting and his nose was also running. The feeling sucked and he just wanted to disappear.

"You know what, Yibo? You're a fucking cheater. You tricked me that you loved me. You tricked me for all those years and finally, you cheated on my heart that I gave it to you whole heartedly," Xiao Zhan continued between sobs, "I'm just so tired with your shit! I can't really understand you and you never gave me the chance to!"

Wang Yibo raised his hand and was about to touch Xiao Zhan's face to wipe his tears but he stopped himself and didn't do it. What right does he have to do that? Wasn't he the one who caused all of this?

"Please, enough already..." Xiao Zhan whispered as he wiped his tears. Wang Yibo truly hurt the most precious person in his life.

Sorry for the typos! Please do tell if I have errors!

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