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A million of chances wasted in just one lifetime.

If only he could received that one last and final chance, he wish to start all over and have the chance to be with him, again.

Standing from a far as the rain drops pitter and patter on the black umbrella. The wind blows as if it was whispering something. The green grass was wet and some places already formed small puddles. Silently watching from a distance as they mourned.

The atmosphere was heavy and the harsh rain wasn't helping at all. People were crying as they said farewells. Their wails could be heard from where he stands. Hearts broken and shattered. He stayed silent. Always silent. He can't bring himself to look at him.

He doesn't want to see him lying there. Not moving, not smiling, not talking or arguing with him. Especially not breathing.

It hurts too much and it's hard to accept such things. If only he didn't leave him alone. If only he stayed with him at his last moments. If only they didn't interfere with their lives.

His eyes looked hollowed as if they never saw the light. His nose and eyes were red from too much crying, his throat felt rough from all the shouting he did. The pain in his both hands were feeling numb as they were wrapped with bandages. He threw his house upside down when he found out he was truly gone.

Xiao Zhan's not coming back and never will.

His heart clenched at the thought and a millions of sorry will never be enough to bring him back. He missed his voice. His face and most of all, his wonderful smile.

"Father," Fangxin said as he stood beside him. Wang Yibo didn't say anything and continued to look at the distance.

"Did you manage to tell him?" Fangxin asked as he faced the taller man. Wang Yibo didn't look at him. He just replied, "I visited him,"

Fangxin didn't push on any further and stayed silent.

"He gently smiled at me," as Fangxin heard those words he immediately looked up at Wang Yibo and felt tears form in his eyes. "A-At least he found out the reason," Fangxin stuttered as he tried to stop himself from crying but ended up failing. Fangxin hugs Wang Yibo and cried silently. A tear escaped from his eye as he tried to look away from the group of people wearing black.

We all make mistakes, made good and bad decisions. But Wang Yibo was a different case.

Still being loved by the man he hurt and broke is the greatest miracle he'd ever received.

Hello! Endless here and I'd like to thank you for reaching the end of the story! I know a lot of you are so confused since not everything was explained. I purposely did that for a reason. I'll leave it up to you guys to imagine what really happened ;) Also, I highly recommend you to reread and see the foreshadowing things in the first chapters! Kudos to those who noticed some forshadowing stuff.♡ I'll see you in my other and new stories!

'Probably' gonna release a sequel or something.

Edit: There is a sequel or more like Yibo's POV and your questions will be answered.

10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Fall in Love with Wang YiboWhere stories live. Discover now