Part 2

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     Erin groaned and turned over in her bed. She let out a small sigh as she glanced at the clock, one eye shut against the bright light shining through her shades. 8:30 a.m. She groaned again and rolled back onto her pillow. She shut her eyes, placing one arm over them. She had a lot to do today. Sam had texted her the night before, saying that his case in South Dakota was wrapped up and he was returning home the next day. Then it was Erin's turn to head out on a hunt in Washington. That meant she had to pack, get her supplies ready, and make sure she had food and water.

     Erin threw off her blanket and climbed out of bed. She made her way to the bathroom and relieved herself before making her way to the kitchen. She found Dean seated at the table, his laptop open. His expression hardened at the sight of her.

     She waved a lazy hand at Dean. "Hey," she greeted, sleep still coating her voice. Dean gave her a tight-lipped smile before turning back to his screen. Erin wondered what his problem was, but she found herself inwardly shrugging. She knew that Dean could be fickle with his emotions sometimes. Over the years, she had found that the best way to deal with him when he was like this, was to just give him some space. He always came back around.

     So instead of eating her breakfast in the kitchen like she normally did, Erin brought her food into her room and ate. It wasn't until she was in the shower that she remembered the previous night and the heated conversation that had gone down between her and Dean.

     "Shit!" Erin chided herself. No wonder Dean was acting like she was the last person he wanted to talk to, let alone see. She realized that he had just been concerned and wanted to look out for her, and Erin had just treated him like a total bitch.

     Truth be told, Erin had found herself becoming more and more attracted to Dean over the years. When she was kid, he was like a big brother to her, and when her father had died when she was fifteen, Dean had been the one to sit and comfort her. He had been the light at the end of the tunnel when she felt like her world was falling down around her and the anchor that kept her grounded when all she wanted to do was run away.

     However, as she grew into a woman, Erin began to notice Dean not as a brother or even as a friend, but as something...more. She would find herself watching him as he worked on the Impala, shoulders broad and muscles flexing as he worked. She found herself doing and saying things just to get him to flash that beautiful smile her way. And that laugh. Dean rarely laughed, so when he did, it was like music to her ears.

     Erin still found herself with Dean prominently on her mind. When she pleasured herself, she fantasized about Dean, and when she slept with men, she would think about him, wishing with all of her heart that it were his hands on her. However, Dean had never made any indication that he reciprocated her feelings. And so Erin ignored them, buried them deep when he was around. Or so she tried. Times like the night before, though, when he was so protective and worried about her, her feelings were the hardest to avoid.

     She sighed to herself as she dried off. She had apologize to Dean. She was about to leave on a hunt and Erin didn't want the previous night's fight to be the last conversation she had with her friend. Erin finished packing her clothes for the trip and thew on a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top before heading back to the kitchen, hoping Dean would still be there. She found the room empty so headed into the living room, smiling slightly as she entered. Dean was seated in the recliner, feet up, and eyes closed. He looked so peaceful and relaxed. Not often a position that she found him in. Erin didn't want to disturb him, but she had to clear the air before she left. 

     She cleared her throat, and she could see Dean's body stir at the sound of her voice. She paused for a second before continuing. "Hey, listen," Erin began softly.

     Dean opened his eyes to look at her. God, his eyes were beautiful. They were hazel, but they were always changing color depending on the light. Right then they were a soft green, so light and transparent almost like jade, but with a darkness that caused Erin's stomach to clinch in desire. She quickly looked down and cleared her throat. When she looked back up, Dean had raised the back of the recliner and was intently staring at her. She could tell that the earlier tension was gone, and that he was genuinely interested in what she was going to say.

     "About last night, I..." she began again, but was cut off as the front door opened and closed. Erin heard heavy footsteps on the ground and knew Sam was home. He walked through the kitchen and into the living room. He stopped at the sight of both her and Dean and dropped his bag on the floor as he shot both of them a grin.

     "Hey, guys!" he greeted. He opened his arms as Erin went to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. His tall frame enveloped her, her head barely touching his chin.

     "Hey, Sammy," she returned, her voice muffled against his flannel clad chest. "How was the hunt?" she questioned as she stepped back.

     Sam nodded his head. "It went well. Turned out it wasn't werewolves at all. I don't know how the newspaper got the deaths so wrong, but it was definitely a shock to find a wendigo instead," he chuckled.

     "Well, I'm certainly glad you're okay," Erin replied, relief in her voice.

     "Me, too," Sam answered with a smile.


     Later that afternoon, Erin packed the rest of her supplies and surveyed her room, checking to see if there was anything else that she needed. After deciding she had everything, she carried her things to the front door and set them down just as Dean walked through the kitchen. He saw her and stopped.

     "What are you doing?" he questioned.

     "I'm just getting everything ready to go," she answered as she turned to him with a smile.

     "Go where?" Dean asked, eyebrows raised.

     Erin shrugged and shook her head in confusion. "On a hunt, of course," she chuckled.

     Dean paused before he turned and walked back towards his room. "I'm going with you," she heard him call over his shoulder.

     Erin frowned. "Wait, what?" she called after him in confusion. She followed him to his room where she found him quickly stuffing clothes haphazardly into his duffle bag. "What do you mean you're coming with me?" she questioned again.

     He shot her a quick look before continuing his packing. "I'm coming with you. I don't think it's wise for you to go alone."

     She chuckled. "But why? It's just a simple salt and burn. No biggy," she replied. When Dean didn't answer she sighed. "I've gone on solo hunts before, you know?" Erin continued, raising her hands in irritation.

     "Yeah, I know. But I can't stand to sit here and do nothing. Sammy will just sit and do research. At least with you, I'll have a decent conversation," Dean replied, shooting her a smirk.

     Erin sighed as she leaned against the doorframe. She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, gauging whether or not that was the real reason he was suddenly all gung-ho to join her. However, she came up blank and finally sighed in defeat. "Okay. But be ready in ten. Otherwise, I'm leaving without your ass," she said as she walked away.

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