Part 3

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     The next morning, Dean and Erin checked into a dilapidated motel. The previous night they had slept in the Impala, Dean taking the front and Erin taking the back. It had been relatively easy to sleep despite the cramped space and her head resting on nothing but her jacket. Dean's soft snores had lulled her to sleep and her dreams had been pleasantly plagued by him.

     When Dean requested a room with two queens the lady behind the counter, a middle-aged woman with evidently permed hair and bloodshot eyes, shook her head. "Sorry, hon. We're out of those. All I have left's a full," she said, voice raspy from obvious years of smoking.

     Erin felt nervousness creep into her stomach at the thought of having to sleep in the same bed as Dean. He gave her a look, silently asking if she was okay with that arrangement. She nodded but swallowed when he turned back to pay.

     After getting their things from the Impala, they walked toward their room. As Dean unlocked the door, he turned back to her. "I can take the couch," he offered before heading inside. Once the lights were on; however, it was obvious that there was no couch, only a chair. Dean looked around sheepishly before glancing at Erin. "I can take the floor?" he again offered, this time uncertainty in his voice.

     "Don't be ridiculous!" Erin stated, rolling her eyes. "We're only going to be here for a few days anyway. I think I can manage sharing a bed with you," she continued with a playful smirk. Dean chuckled in return and went to set down his bag at the foot of the bed.

     "So listen," Dean said, making Erin turn from closing and locking the door. "I talked to Bobby before we left and he said he's gotten a lead from a friend of his about the demons." Erin raised her eyebrows in surprise as he continued, "His friend only lives two towns over."

     "Seriously?" she asked in excitement. "And Bobby's okay with us checking it out?"

     Dean shrugged. "He seemed to be. Said he talked with his friend and said he's willing to help us out. Apparently this friend is super loaded and has a shit ton of connections. Those connections helped him to find an equally loaded guy. Goes by the name of Lowell. Who also just happens to be a demon."

     Erin took a moment before replying, taking everything in that Dean had just told her. "Wow," she finally said. "What's the plan then?"

     "I know we've got to take care of this salt and burn, but then after we can take care of this demon business," Dean answered.

     She was excited at the prospect of actually getting some answers, but she was hesitant. "Are you sure you're ready for this, Dean?" she asked.

     Dean got up and started rifling through his duffle. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" he questioned as he took out a bottle of bourbon.

     "Because it's only been a year since...everything," Erin said quietly, not wanting to even speak that woman's name.

     She saw Dean tense up at the mention of the previous year, but when he turned back to her, he smiled. "I'm good. I'll be fine."

     Erin sighed and gave him a thin-lipped smile. "Alright," she answered with a nod. She wasn't about to start arguing with him. She'd just have to trust that he knew what he was doing, and that if he didn't she'd be there to pick up all the pieces.


     Erin lay in bed facing the wall, her back towards Dean. She had scooted as far to the edge of the bed as she could, making sure that she gave him plenty of space. However, it didn't seem to matter how far she was from him, he seemed to permeate everything around her, even the air she breathed.

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