Part 5

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     Erin looked at herself in the mirror as she finished her makeup. She had opted for a smoky-eye which set off her hazel eyes and matched her black, sequined cocktail dress. After she finished her makeup, she started on her hair. She had given herself beachy waves. At first Erin thought about leaving it down, but then after second thought, decided to go for a low side bun at the nape of her neck. She pulled a few waves out of the bun to give it more of a messy effect before spraying it with a few pumps of hairspray.

     Erin gave herself a once over before walking out of the bathroom. All she needed now were her heels. She went straight to her bag and began rummaging through it trying to find them. She suddenly noticed the room was unusually quiet and turned towards the chair by the door to find Dean seated, staring at her with wide eyes.

     She found herself laughing at his deer-in-the-headlights expression. "What?" she asked, finally composing herself.

     Dean shrugged casually. "I don't know. You just look...different," he said, getting up from the chair.

     Erin cocked an eyebrow. "Good different or bad different?"

     "Good different," he replied, giving her a sheepish look before glancing to the ground.

     She chuckled. "You look good different, too," she said, smiling as his gaze met hers. She sat at the edge of the bed and strapped on her heels. When she went to stand back up, Dean was at her side and holding out his hand to help her up. Erin felt herself inwardly frown in confusion. An odd move for Dean, but she shook it off, her mind more consumed with the case this evening than it had been in the last few days. She thought it was probably due to the fact that she wanted so desperately to get some answers and maybe some closure for Dean.

     They got into the Impala and started driving to Windsor Drakefield's party. The drive was pleasant. The air was cool against Erin's skin as she put her hand through the Impala's open window and allowed the wind to dance with her hand as the breeze laced in and out of her spread fingers. The weather was beautiful with a hint of fall in the atmosphere, and she enjoyed watching the countryside as Dean drove. She leaned her head against the door jam and sighed contentedly as she watched the sun starting to set, casting the sky in a light golden hue. The road was spread infinitely before them and Erin felt like she could stay there forever, out on the road with the man she found herself falling in love with.

     All too soon, Dean turned onto a private road and followed it a ways before finally coming to a discreet driveway. He stopped the Impala away from the house and both of them alighted. Erin glanced around, taking in the spacious property. It was beautiful! The grounds were lush with green grass. Oak trees lined both sides of the driveway all the way to the front of the mansion and as they came closer, Erin could make out a variety of flowers and plants. The mansion was equally just as breathtaking. There were multiple windows and she could see the sunset in their reflection.

     Erin stopped just as they reached the stairs leading to the portico and found herself swallowing the lump in her throat. Dean kept going but stopped when he realized she had paused, his foot coming to rest on the first step. He glanced back at her with a concerned expression. "You okay?" he questioned.

     Erin nodded her head uncertainly. Dean sent her a reassuring smile as he held out his hand. She took it as they made their way up the flight of stairs to the large front door. Her body warmed as she felt herself relax at his touch. They stopped at the door when Dean looked down at her. "You're sure you're okay?" he questioned again.

     "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Just a little nervous, I guess. It's been awhile since I've had to go undercover like this. I'm a little rusty," Erin replied, a nervous chuckle on her lips as she glanced down in embarrassment.

     She felt him squeeze her hand, trying to bolster her confidence. "Don't worry, baby. I'll take the lead," Dean said, turning back to the door and raising his hand to knock.

     Erin's head shot up at his words. Did he just call her baby? She didn't have time to question him, when the door suddenly swung open and a man in his sixties stood in the doorway.

     "Come in, come in!" he exclaimed, a slight English accent lacing his words. He ushered them in. "You must be Dean Winchester and Erin Hull!"

     "That's right, sir," Dean replied, extending his hand.

     "Fenston Barclay Windsor Drakefield III, but you can call me Windsor," he said, shaking Dean's hand in return and shooting Erin a bright smile and a playful wink. Erin found herself smiling back. The man was certainly jovial.

     "Come right this way," Windsor said, motioning to the library on his right. Once inside, he offered her and Dean a seat before seating himself behind his large mahogany desk.

     "So, Bobby tells me that you both are interested in Lowell," he started out, his jovial attitude now gone, replaced by a seriousness that Erin felt could quickly turn to rage if provoked.

     Dean cleared his throat and licked his lower lip as he shifted in his seat. "Yeah, we are. There was an...incident..." Dean began, but Windsor silenced him with a raise of his hand.

     "It's alright. You don't have to explain. Bobby filled me in on everything," Drakefield reassured.

     Erin glanced over at Dean and saw his jaw clinch when he nodded his thanks. She could tell that he was already having a rough time just talking about it. She was expecting the worst when they finally got Lowell alone.

     She turned her attention back to Windsor as he began speaking again. "Lowell hasn't arrived yet, which creates the perfect opportunity for both of you to get into position for whatever you're wishing to do." Erin and Dean nodded in unison.

     "And I'm assuming you don't wish to use your given names?" Windsor questioned, looking between them.

     Erin and Dean shot one another a glance before Erin turned back to Windsor who was staring, the question still hanging in the air. She nodded. "Yeah, I supposed that would be wise.... It's just that I'm always so used to being an undercover FBI agent, that I haven't had much time to come up with a persona other than that," she replied with a sheepish chuckle. She could see Dean nod in agreement out of the corner of her eye.

     Windsor smiled understandingly. "Yes, well, how about you being Daniel and Jessica Fleming, a newlywed couple who have just returned from your honeymoon abroad? Daniel is here at his wife's father's invitation hoping to form connections to secure a well-established career in the aerospace industry."

     Erin found herself gaping, eyebrows raised, as she and Dean stared at the older man in shock. She finally found her voice, "How did you just come up with that ruse so quickly and easily?"

     Windsor chuckled in amusement. "Years of hunting experience, I suppose," he answered smoothly, his accent coming through once more.     

     She chuckled in return. "Well, it's a very good one. I think it'll work fine for what we're wanting to do," she replied, looking to Dean who nodded his agreement.

     "Swell!" Windsor exclaimed, clapping his hands once. Her and Dean stood up as the older man rose from his own chair. "Shall we?" he asked, motioning to the door. Erin smiled and followed Dean to the entrance. 

     Once back outside in the spacious vestibule, Dean stopped and turned to Windsor. "Thank you for everything, sir," Dean said, nodding his head in thanks and extending his hand once more to Drakefield.

     The older man bowed slightly as he took Dean's hand. "Again, call me Windsor. And you're very welcome. If you need anything, anything at all, please don't hesitate to find me. I'll be mingling amongst my other guests but won't be too far off."

     Dean nodded again and started walking toward the ballroom, Erin following close behind. "And Dean," Windsor called, causing both Erin and Dean to stop and turn back towards the man. "I sincerely hope you find these punk-ass demons," he said, his words clashing with his smooth English cadence. Dean smiled in return as he and Erin continued toward the dance hall.


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