Part 4

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     Two days later and the Buchanan case was over. It had turned out to indeed be little Emma Buchanan, her spirit still there due to the abuse and neglect she had been forced to endure. Erin and Dean had found her bones buried in the local cemetery, but it broke Erin's heart when she realized Emma had been buried on the other side of the graveyard, far away from her family. Even in death they didn't want her.

     Erin and Dean trudged back into the cool motel room, exhausted from having dug all night into the early morning hours. They were covered in dirt and sweat and the only thing Erin longed for was a nice, hot shower. She quickly jumped inside the shower, not waiting to see if Dean wanted to go first. She wasn't about to let him use up all the hot water. Erin stood and relished the warm water over her hair, face, and body despite the shitty water pressure.

     After she got out, she dressed in shorts and a tank top and thew her hair up into a towel to dry. She opened the door and found Dean lying on the bed still fully clothed, muddy boots hanging off the end of the bed.

     "Your turn," she said, playfully kicking his foot as she walked past him and fell on the mattress beside him. He looked over at her and shot her a half smile.

     "Today was a good hunt," he said, giving her a fist bump. "We make a good team," he continued before groaning and climbing out of bed. Erin watched him walk to the bathroom and close the door before she looked back to where he had been laying. She groaned as she realized he had left dirt all over the sheets. She quickly got up and took them off the bed, shaking them out vigorously, as she heard Dean turn on the water.

     Once Erin was satisfied that most of the dirt was gone, she dumped them back on the bed, not caring if it was made or not. They would unmake the bed soon enough anyway. She was exhausted and was ready to fall into bed despite it being only 6:00 in the evening. Erin knew Dean would feel the same way.

     She took her hair down from the towel that was still on her head and dumped the wet cloth by the bathroom door. She got her brush out of her bag and began to move it through her tangles just as she heard the water turn off and the shower curtain pull back. A few moment later, Dean emerged from the bathroom, only a towel wrapped around his waist.

     Erin felt her heartbeat pick up at the sight of him. His chest was bare and well-defined. His shoulders were broad as leftover droplets of water clung to his skin. Her eyes trailed down to his stomach which was just as equally distinct and muscular, but where scars dotted the skin here and there, all telling a different story.

     She swallowed hard as she felt herself heat up and an all too familiar ache in her chest made it's way down to her lady garden. She quickly crossed her legs, willing the feeling to subside, but it only made it worse as she felt wetness pooling underneath her shorts.

     "Forgot my clothes," Dean smirked before making his way back into the bathroom and shutting the door, clothes in hand.

     Erin let out a heavy breath and uncrossed her legs. God, what this man did to her. If he had any idea how he made her body respond to his mere presence, she was sure he'd be mortified.

     She heard Dean's phone ringing from his duffle bag and was about to answer it when he came out, now fully dressed. "Hey, Bobby," he answered, sitting down on the side of the bed. They talked for a few minutes, and Erin was certain they were talking about the demon case.

     "Yeah, we will. Thanks, Bobby. If we need anything we'll call," Dean said, hanging up the phone and turning towards her.

     "What's up?" Erin asked, curious as to what all their conversation entailed, her sexual appetite at bay. At least for now.

     "It was actually about his friend, Windsor Drakefield," Dean answered.

     Erin found herself chuckling. "Windsor Drakefield?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

     Dean shrugged. "What? The guy's rich," he answered. "Anyway," he continued, "Bobby said that Windsor is going to have this party over at his place. He's inviting a bunch of his rich friends and acquaintances and...he's invited Lowell." He paused, gauging her reaction.

     Erin's eyes widened. "Wow, okay. So what does that mean for us?" she questioned.

     "It means," Dean said, getting up off the bed and rummaging through his duffle. He pulled out his FBI suit and held it up. "We're gonna have to get all gussied up," he finished, sending her a smirk.

     Erin sent him a sour look in return. He knew she hated dressing up, preferring to just wear her jeans and t-shirts. Dean held up his hands. "Hey, it's only for one night!" he said in amusement.

     Erin sighed heavily. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She, too, rose from the bed and went over to her own bag. "Which is why it's a good thing," she continued, opening up her bag, "that I brought this!" she finished, pulling out a cocktail dress.

     "You actually brought a dress?" Dean asked in surprise.

     She chuckled. "Yeah, of course! FBI isn't the only cover I've used," she said, sending him a playfully coy smile.

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