Chapter 10

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Kongpob's POV

Let me see. I hope I look okay. Glasses or no glasses? Maybe no glasses. How does this work? Okay, I click here.

"Testing. Testing."

Okay, it works.

"Hello my love. My Arthit. By the time you see this, it will be 2017, February 14th. Happy Valentine's Day my love. Thank you for letting me love you for the past five years. By now, I hope to have proven to deserve your unconditional love. I hope I have become the man that you deserve. You are the love of my life, the beat of my heart, and the air that I breathe. I am now on a bended knee, please turn to me."

There. We can probably add this clip to our love story vlog in the future. I hope we will still use DVDs by 2017. Maybe I should keep a DVD player around just in case. I need to wrap this up real good to make sure no water can get to it.

I'm going to label everything in order.

Number 1, the sketch he made of me back in 2005. I made a copy of it so I can look at it whenever I want to. Number 2, here's the candles from my 15th birthday when Arthit confessed to me. He doesn't know that I kept them. Number 3, the movie ticket stubs from our first official date. Number 4, the DVD I just recorded.

I carefully placed everything in the capsule. I'm going to bury this under the tree our moms planted the year we were born in our yard.

I know it may sound silly to plan so far ahead. But when Arthit told me when our wedding date is going to be, I figured I needed to work backwards to figure out when I should propose.

So, when I propose on Valentine's Day of 2017, that will give us a little over a year to prepare for our wedding. We both come from a prominent family, so we would most likely have a big wedding, but I wouldn't mind any size as long as I get to be with Arthit.

I know we are still very young, but there's nothing I am more certain in my life than Arthit. He may have realized his love for me earlier, but I can't remember a time he wasn't my everything. There's no doubt in me that this will forever be true for me.

As for this Valentine's Day, I got matching limited edition Nike sneakers for Arthit and I. We have matching bracelets that we can't even wear together. Wearing couples or matching clothes would be hard to do without giving ourselves away. So, I think sneakers would be better. I mean these are so coveted and popular that it wouldn't be too odd if we both have them. Mine are black, and his are white. I know he will love them.


I need to stop by my locker before I go to practice. I see Toota running, and he stops right in front of me heaving. Shouldn't he be at band practice with Arthit?

"Toota, are you okay? Why are you running? Shouldn't you be at band practice? Where's Arthit?"

I'm starting to panic, but Toota puts up his finger asking me to wait for him to catch his breath.

"Arthit is fine. Kongpob, I have something for you."

"What is it?"

He pulls his backpack to the front, and takes out a box.

"Here. I've written down all the instructions."

I take the box, and I tried to open it. However, Toota quickly puts his hand over mine to stop me.

"Not here Kongpob. Open it when you get home, and you are alone. Just remember, practice makes perfect."

"What? I don't get it."

I looked at him puzzled.

"You will when you open it. I need to go to band practice now. I'll see you later."

Toota pats me on the back, and walks away. Now, I'm very curious to what's in the box. But I need to head to practice too, so I'll just wait until I get home.

I wonder if this has anything to do with Arthit. Arthit has been very strange lately. I mean he doesn't want to go home with me like usual, but then he climbs in my bed almost every night. He keeps me up all night, and everybody knows that I'm incapable of denying Arthit of anything. I am usually an early riser, but even I don't want to get up for school these days.


Once again, Arthit has chosen to go home instead of coming over. So, I quickly went home to open the box Toota gave me. Inside I found a bottle of lube, a box of condoms, and a box of water enemas. I kind of knew what the first two was for, but I had no idea about the third item. Inside the box was also a two pages handwritten notes on how and when to use the items in the box.

After reading the notes, I got a little curious about the stretching suggestions. However, enemas are very strange to me. I've never used them before. I find the process a little gross, but I get the idea is for cleansing.

I'm sure Arthit had asked Toota to do this for us. He even wrote encouraging words in the notes. I guess Arthit is ready, so I better start preparing as Toota suggested. I'm glad we have a good friend like Toota. I should get him a nice gift for his next birthday.

AN: I am traveling these couple of days, but I'm still trying to update when I can. I know this is a little short, but that's all I can right now before I get carsick. Thanks for reading. ❤️

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