Chapter 17

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Arthit's POV

After our Songkran holiday break, we went back to school anxiously. Kongpob and I didn't know what to expect. We don't think Bright or Sanwan would go around spreading the news or anything, but who knows.

When I got to my first class, I found Bright sitting all the way to the back of the class in the last row at the corner. He had his head down, and he didn't bother to look up. So, I couldn't get his attention. There were also other classmates sitting next to him. I looked for Toota, and he was actually in our usual seats in the middle of class. Those two are usually glued by the hips, so I found it strange. I went to sit next to Toota.

"Morning, why is Bright sitting in the back by himself?"

"Because he is a self-centered jerk." Toota quipped with an irritated look.

"Are you guys okay?"

Our English professor walked in before Toota told me what was going on. When class ended, Bright left without saying a word to any of us. I pulled Toota aside after class, and told the rest of the gang to go ahead to the canteen first. I pulled Toota to an empty classroom, and stood away from the door.

"Toota, what is wrong with Bright?"

"He is mad at me. He says I don't trust him even though we are best friends."

"Is this about Kongpob and me dating?"

"Yes and no. You see, he never really got over the fact that I came out to you before I told him. And then the news about me knowing about you and Kongpob dating, and not telling him has got him triggered again."

"Oh, I'm sorry for causing you guys trouble. Should I go talk to him?"

"No! I've already told him that not everything is about him. I didn't come out to him first because I was still confused, and I was afraid of losing my best friend. You and Kongpob dating is not my story to tell. So, why would I tell him? He is just being a dick. Don't mind him."

I hear what Toota is saying, but I also see Toota's eyes getting a little teary. I patted Toota on his back hoping to comfort him.

"Thanks for keeping our secret. I hope Bright comes around. I'm sure he is just hurt, and it's not because he is self-centered."

"Oh, you and Kongpob don't have to worry about Bright telling anyone else about you guys. I told him not to, and despite him being an idiot, he understands."

"Thanks Toota, but Kong and I feel that we are ready to tell our friends. We've all known each other for many years now, and we are all good friends. So, we don't want to hide it from our friends anymore."

"I'm happy that you guys are ready to take this step in your relationship."

"Thank you. You're a great friend too."


Kongpob's POV

Arthit and I had asked our friends to meet us after school for karaoke. We told them it's our treat, and everyone was super excited. I wished Bright would come since he is very much the life of the party. Also, it's just weird to see Toota without Bright around. I had texted him our plans, but he hasn't responded. I hate knowing that Arthit and I are the cause of their tiff.

Arthit and I booked a private party room big enough for twenty with unlimited drinks and food. Everyone was having a great time. Then suddenly Bright walked in. I immediately got up to bring him over to sit by Toota.

Kongpob: Bright, I'm glad you can make it.

Bright: Of course I can make it. There's free food, drink, and fun.

Everyone laughed. See, Bright makes everyone happier.

M: Kongpob, we should do this more often.

I nodded and Arthit squeezed my knee a couple of times to let me know it's time to tell them. Arthit's song came up, so Knot passed the microphone over to him. Arthit got up to stand in front of the gang. He stood there a little nervous, and then he extended his hand out for me. I got up and took his hand in mine. I intertwined our fingers and he smiled at me. And then we turned to face our friends.

Arthit: Guys, Kongpob and I would like to tell you something.

Arthit looked at me nervously smiling, and I brought our intertwined hands to my lips, and kissed his hand. Arthit blushed, and turned back to our friends who have expressions ranging from confusion, surprised, and shocked.

Arthit: Kongpob and I are dating.

M: Kongpob, are you pulling our leg? This is a prank, right?

Kongpob: No, Arthit and I are really dating. We have been for a while now, and we wanted to let our friends know.

May: You two look so cute together. But you guys are breaking so many hearts out there.

May takes out her phone to take our picture. Arthit and I just leaned in closer together for her to take it.

Prae: So are you guys going to be open about it at school?

Kongpob: We have no intentions of hiding it, but we are not making a public announcement either. We will still be the same more or less.

M: I still don't believe you guys.

M reached out to grab Wad's hand. Wad tried to pull his hand back, but it was too late. M went ahead, and kissed his hand.

Wad: Eww....dude.

M laughed.

M: See, that means nothing. Right Bright?

Bright smiles, and just shrugs.

Bright: Hey, I'm only here for the free food.

Suddenly, Arthit pulled on my tie, and planted a kiss on my lips. I smiled, and took my free hand to hold his nape to deepen our kiss.

Our whole group of friends started hooting. We pulled apart smiling shyly at each other.

Arthit: Now, will you people believe us?

M had a look of shock on his face, and he looked around to see if he was the only one. Wad instantly put his hands over his mouth protectively. The two of them looked comical.

Toota: Congrats guys! Sam and I are both happy for you two. We should have double dates.

Bright comes over to us, and leans in to speak softly.

Bright: Kongpob, Arthit, I'm sorry for acting the way I did earlier. I completely support you two.

Arthit: Thanks Bright. I'm sorry that we caused you and Toota to fight.

Bright: It's okay. We will work it out. We always do.

We had fun for the rest of the evening. There were a lot of questions about when we started to date? Why do we like each other? Who asked who out? Does our parents know about us?

And that's when I looked to Arthit, and he gave me the same questioning look. Should we tell our parents now? We already know that they probably know, but it's not real until we confirm it.

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