Why me??

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So heres chapter 4 I hope you enjoy

So I was walking back to the hotal and I started thinking about Alex and Ben getting into the argument. I can uderstand why Alex was pissed he has seen me get hurt by guys before he was the one that beat the shit out of the guy that raped me. I quickly got of the topic because it still hurts me to think about it I text Cam.

O:Hey Cam is it okay if i come by and get Oli for a little while I promise I'll let you spend time with him before I leave after you guys play your set.

C: Yeah thats prefectly fine I just feed him and he's napping on the bed my room number is 236

O: Okay thanks be there in a few

I was about a block away from the hotal according to the GPS on my phone so I kept walking then I heard someone calling my name but I just kept walking then I heard it again so I turned around to hear who it was, it was Cody. I stopped and stood there as he jogged to me he stopped in front he was trying to catch he's breathe and talk at the same time so it sounded like this "Hey (pause) you (pause) dropped (pause) this (pause)" he handed me my headphones, they were the headphones Alex bought for me for chirstmas they had thier skull logo on them. I hugged Cody "Thank you so much I would have started freaking out when I realized I lost them.' he hugged back "No problem i realize how important headphones can be"

We said our goodbyes and went out seperate ways again I soon got to the hotel. As soon as I got in the hotel lobby I saw Trevor and Jack before they could see me I bolted to the elavators. I repeatled hit the button "Come on, come on, come on, come on' I finally heard the ding and the doors opened gladly no one else was on the elevator I pushed the button for the 2nd floor and waited for the doors to open again I soon got to Cam's room.

I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. As soon as he did I was greeted by a hug which i gladly returned. He stepped aside so I could enter the room I was Oli on the bed curled up in a ball, as soon as he saw me a jumped up and ran to me. He started rubbing on my legs purring. I picked him up and sat on the bed I buried my face in his fur and started to cry a little completly forgetting about Cam being in the room.

I felt a hand on my sholder and jumped a little then realized it was Cam. "Is everything okay October?" I wanted to shake my head yes but I couldn't lie to Cam "No everything feels like it's falling about" I said barely above a whisper. Cam kneeled in front of me and gently took a now sleeping Oli from my arms and placed him on the chair Cam was just sitting in. Then by surprise Cam gave me a hug. I hugged him back and a wave of emotions hit me I began to cry on his shoulder.

We remained like this for a good 10 minutes till there was a knock on the door. "Cam open the door please I need to talk to you" it as Ben I looked up at Cam frantically, then started looking for places to hid. I saw the walk in closet that was a decent size. I ran to it and hid. I saw a little opening just big enough for me to hid in and could move the suitcase in front of and not be seen if someone was to walk in.

*Ben's P.O.V*

I heard a door close then Cam opened the door and motioned me to come inside. I sat on the bed and buried my head into my hands. "Cam I fucked up big time" Cam looked at me waiting for me to give him and explanation of what I was talking about. So I started to expalin everything to him from me and October having breakfast together, me and Alex getting into a fight, and October running away and the fact that no one can find her. "Cam what if she hates me?" "Ben I doubt she hates you. Maybe she's been through some stuff that has caused her to be like this Ben." I let Cam's works sink in. I looked up then heard Oli meow as I went to pet him I was October's phone laying on the bed.

I grabbed it and looked at Cam. "Cameron is there something you're not telling me" he looked down and started playing with the hem of his t-shirt. "She came to get Oli then she started crying when she was about to tell me what was wrong you knocked on the door and she started freaking out." I took a deep breathe, did I cause her to cry. God I'm such a dick. I remember hearing a door close before Cam opened the door for me. I looked around and the only door closed besides the actually door to the hallway was the closet door. I slowly got off the bed and made my way over to the closet door.

*October's P.O.V*

I heard voices talking in the room then everything went quiet. I started panicing my breathe hicked in my throat and my chest started to tighten. Flashbacks started running through my mind of when I was little and my mom would be drunk and would come beat me. I would always try to hide from her but sometimes that would makes things worse. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. I started crying. I guess he heard me cause soon the suitcase was moved and Ben was in front of me. I was sobbing "Please don't hit me I'm sorry" was the only thing that I could say. A look of pain washed over Ben's face. "October what are you talking about I would never hit you."

*Alex's P.O.V*

I knocked on Cam's door it was the last place I could think of her going since Oli was there and I know that whenever she's down she'll always cuddle up with Oli. He opened the door and moved aside to let me in, then pointed to the closet I guess to say that October was over there. I soon heard her sobs and rushed over there "October what are you talking about I would never hit you" I heard Ben say. "Fuck" I mumbled to myself, she's having one of her flash backs of her mom I rushed over there pushing Ben out of the way."What the hell Gaskarth, what are you doing here" "Just shut up Bruce I dont have time for this right now."

"Shushhhh it's okay October I'm right here nothings going to hurt you I promise, remember I'm always here till the Earth stops spinning." I picked up October bridal style, Ben moved out of the way and put her phone in my hoodie pocket. I started humming Therapy to her as I made my way to her room.


Okay guys here's the next part of this story I'm sorry for taking so long I've been really busy but now I'm on break so I decided to finish this chapter I really hope you guys like it that's for not yelling at me for being terrible with updating. Merry Christmas!!!! I love all you beautiful people remember stay strong and never give up. By the way the song in the link is Sleepwalking by Bring Me The Horizon it's the song I listened to while writing this plus it's a really great song by them

p.s if there is any mistakes in this I'm sorry I wrote this chapter with my tablet and it doesn't have autocorrect.

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