Again. . .

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Hawk's POV
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I've never been so bored in my life. Where's the excitement? The Villians? The action? And.... my parents?

When my parents were with me they let me do exciting things. And encouraged me to be a hero. Why do their jobs need them? I want them. Even when I see them, somehow they always leave early. I miss them.

I saw Fala waving her hand to the Royal family as we left.

Finally we can go now.
I looked at my granny. Who looked angry.

I decided not to say anything to avoid any conflict.

So instead I asked, "Can I have an apple." She gave me a piercing cold glare.

Fala was smart and stayed silent. She was always so smart!

"So... granny... what did you think about the party?" I asked shaking one of my legs.

Still silence remained. I sighed, " Well it was sooooooooooooooo fun." I said being sarcastic.

Still a cold glare remained.

"Granny... did you know that I don't like to have play dates with girls. Can I have them with... I don't know. Boys? !"

I said saying 'boys' she she rolled her eyes, " Like who? Travis?" She asked sarcastically.

I nodded my head, "I guess if, he is a boy." I said Fala gave my granny a smile. Same did I.

She sighed, " I'll talk to your parents. Well... I have good and bad news for both of you... I'll tell you later."

The carriage soon came to a stop. Me and my sister jumped out and ran inside, "Mommy! Daddy!" I shouted, as the empty halls echoed with my voice.

Fala put a hand on my shoulder, " Their not here, Hawk. They'll probably be back soon."

I sighed ," Okay. Well I still have you." I said with a smile to her.

She smiled back, "You won't ever be alone. I will be right by your side."

I looked down at my feet, " What about when you go to school? And leave me here. Alone."

She laughed, " Here is to remind you, that I will be right next to you." And with that she made an ice princess doll.

"Ew. I don't like dolls." I said which made her laugh.

"Don't worry it looks like me. Kind of. Well at least you will remember me." She said as Granny walked in.

"Hawk, Fala. Your parents won't be here for another week." She said with her eyes shut.

" Can we call them?" I asked, I want my mommy.

she shook her head, " There busy, Hawk."


"There busy." My granny said glaring at me.

" But-"

"Hawk. You can not bother them. Again they are busy. So now just don't bother them. And go to your room." She said crossing her arms.

I pouted as I walked up the stairs with my footsteps echoing throughout the cold lonely halls.

- - - - - - - - - - - time skip - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I heard a knock in the same pattern, "Mom!" I said as I ran to the door opening it jumping into the arms of my mom.

I breathed in her scent: chamomile and apples.

I smiled widely which she returned. "How is my little apple? " She asked making me turn red.

"Come Hawk. Me and your grandmother have a surprise for you." She said as she carried me down the stairs.

We all ate dinner as a mirror lit up. From my parents who got up, "That is our alert." My father said standing up.

My grandmother glared at them both.

"Oh, may we be excused?" My mother asked glancing at my father. She nodded, and with that they both left, Fala and me again...

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Hey their Cuties,

I am so happy, that I got in the musical for my school this year. Sure I didn't get the part I wanted on the cast list, but I got another part that I would like. But of course it isn't set in stone. So I could always get another background character. . . Or group. Well... that is it for now...

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Paws out!

11:20 PM Thursday, December 12, 2019

667 words

Restart With Love (A Regal Academy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now