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Rose POV
I close my eyes and sigh. Here I was in my room. I finished my lessons now I was 6.

I feel sad, my mom died last year and I miss my father had also passed with her.

I heard maids talking, apparently he couldn't deal with the grief and he loved her so much he killed himself.

My older brother was upset along with my older sister. I would love looking at the stars and reading different stories with adventure my mom told me.

Mom said that the stars are holes in the sky, and that that's where they go when we leave.

At six years old locked in my room, when everyone was discussing things.

They didn't tell me they died, but I knew.

Even though I wasn't invited to the funeral, I was given apologies by many.

Granny told me she would explain when I was older

The adults told me I was too young.

They told me the same thing about everything.

I furrowed my eyebrows with anger. I know things, I am smart and I am older!

I looked into the mirror and grabbed my hairbrush to brush my hair.

I heard a knock and the door opened my older sister, Elizabeth, or as I called her Eliza or Lizzy.

I smiled and jumped off the chair for her to grab the brush. "Sit," she commanded and I obliged.

She brushed my hair. I sat there twiddling my thumbs. "What are they talking about?" I asked as I blew a lock of my hair out of my face.

She sighed, "Nothing that you need to know"

I sighed knowing she wouldn't tell me anything.

"I know," I said quietly.

She pulled the brush harder after hearing that.

"know what?"

I looked down. "That mommy and daddy are dead." I said quietly. She sighed and sat down in front of me.

"Before you say they aren't. I know they are. I was there." I said nodding my head sharply as I gained confidence.

She sighed, "you are right. They are gone. And."

She paused bitting her lip.

"But you have us." I knew she was hiding something too.

"What aren't you telling me?" I put my hands on my hips and furrowed my eyebrows trying to make the face mommy made when she was mad.

"There gone. There not coming back Rosie. But, your not safe... I- I don't" she whispered and clenched the fabric of her green dress.

She sighed releasing the fabric. "You might have to go, somewhere safer."

I bit my lip was she leaving me. "You and Connie are coming too, right?"

Tears pricked in her eyes, "I-I don't know... and you might not remember us." I tear escaped her eye and she wiped it quickly. Then grabbed a ribbon.

I sat there silently trying to take in what she said.

I wouldn't remember my sister or brother.

Why are they trying to get rid of me? Did I do something bad?

I ate all my vegetables like they said!

Am I the reason mommy and daddy aren't here?

Questions filled my head and I realized that the ribbon was in my hair.

She said I would be safe.

But safe from what?

Hi sorry I haven't updating in so long.
Sending virtual hugs!
Paws out!

Wednesday January, 6 2021

489 words

Restart With Love (A Regal Academy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now