~ Chapter 3 ~

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  Rin heard the sound of her alarm. Not like she was sleeping anyways. It was a school day, and she absolutely did not want to see Kaito at all. She didn't want to see Miku much, either. She embarrassed herself in front of Miku. How would she see Rin? 

Rin didn't bother to eat or leave a note as she walked out the door silently. Rin has become used to waking up earlier than usual. She walked silently to school, looking at the floor. Then, she bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going-" 

The person turned around and saw Rin, who mumbled a quick "sorry" and walked to class. 

"She should've watched where she was going," Kaito said, looking at his soon to be girlfriend.

"Yeah... but she looks a bit distressed, don't you think?" Miku said, looking at Kaito.

"But that doesn't give an excuse to bump into you. Are you alright?" Kaito asked Miku, seeming like a friend.

"Yes, I'm fine."

Miku and Kaito hang out more often since Friday. They went to lunch together, ate ice cream, walked together, did everything together. Almost as if they were... dating.

Miku didn't really have feelings for Kaito, but just saw him as a big brother, almost. He had all the characteristics to seem like her older, brotherly friend, but he made her blush sometimes and her heart race. She thought about him a lot... but not as much as she thought about Rin. 

Miku knew she liked, as in, like like, Kaito. But she couldn't help worry about Rin, the kind and talkative girl she used to be. Today, she seemed very fragile, and tired, like she hasn't slept in days. She worried more about Rin than Kaito, and the tealette didn't even notice.

"Kaito, I'm off to class now, I'll see you later!" Miku dismissed herself so she could see Rin.

"Should I walk you to class?" He asked her kindly, offering his hand.

"No, I have something important to do in class with my teacher, I'll see you after school!" She said before walking away. As soon as Miku knew she was out of his sight, she ran to find where Rin was before school started.

First, she checked Rin's class, only seeing Rin's schoolbag and left, disappointed. The bell rang before Miku could even get to the next destination she wanted to search, but gave up and went to class.

Rin was sitting on the rooftop when the bell rang, which forced her to walk downstairs to her class.

It's not like I'll fail by skipping one class, Rin thought. She didn't have the motivation to even be here, but she's already at school, so why not?

A few minutes into Rin's second class she wanted to go home. Her parents went on a business trip yesterday, so she wanted to go home. But then she had to leave for another class right then, as her thoughts ended.

Rin made it to lunchtime and sat on the rooftop, not even touching the lunchbox her mother made for her the day before. She was lost in her thoughts, looking at the empty school yard. 

Then, the doors creaked open. The blonde didn't bother to turn to face the person who entered to rooftop.

"Rin? Are you alright?" Said a gentle voice. 

Rin turned to see Miku, looking at her with eyes filled with concern.

"You seem to be disappointed."

"Y-yeah..." Rin mumbled, looking back outside. Miku sat down next to Rin.

"What's wrong? Does this have to do with Friday?" Miku asked her. Rin looked to the floor, wishing she could spill her feelings for Miku and tell her Kaito wasn't the one for her, but she kept quiet. 

"I'm going to call in sick for you."

Rin snapped her head towards Miku's voice. "You- You don't need to."

"You're obviously not feeling very well, Rin. I'll just go to your house."

"You shouldn't- You can't do that!" Rin protested. "It'll hurt your grade! You can't miss out on school for someone like me!"

"Why can't I?" Miku shouted back, grabbing Rin's wrist and pulling her closer.

"I care for you. We're going to your place, you're not feeling good. You are not eating and that's not healthy. Now, I'm taking you home," Miku said in a serious tone. 

Rin gave up protesting and Miku told the school office they were both not feeling well and were sent home. Rin lead Miku to her home and they were now sitting on the couch, Miku checking her temperature. 

"Rin! You're 108 F (42 C)! You have a fever for goodness sake!" Miku gasped. Now Rin really didn't feel good. She was sweating, her heart was beating fast, and she was also cold at the same time. Without even thinking, she leaned on Miku's shoulder and then her eyes closed shut. 

Miku realized Rin fell asleep on her shoulder when her failed attempts at getting her attention did not work. She blushed, adoring how cute Rin looked when she was sleeping. 

Miku, snap out of it! This cute- No! -girl has a fever! Do something!

Miku gently laid Rin down on a couch and found a small blanket by the coffee table and placed it over her. She went to Rin's small kitchen and found a clean rag and damped in water before bringing it back to Rin. Few hours later Len came back, and Miku had to shut him up from screaming.

"Miku? Why are you here?" Len asked her.

"Your sister is sick, and we came here early. She's sleeping."

Len nodded, understanding. 

"Miku, I think you should go home, your parents would worry about you."

Miku winced at the mention of her parents. They moved away to America, abandoning their 2 children behind, Mikuo and Miku, when Mikuo was 15 and Miku 14. Mikuo was able to get a good job and Miku started singing, grabbing the attention of many companies who wanted her. That's how they survived for so long. 

"I can stay here as long as I want, I already told my brother," Miku replied, earning a weird look from Len.

"Okay then..." 

He went to the kitchen, but quickly came back out.

"Miku, do you know how to make vegetable soup?"

Rin awoke to the smell of soup and the sound of chatter. What happened?

The realization hit her. She fell asleep on Miku's shoulder. She quickly sat up, seeing Miku and Len sitting at the dining table, chatting. Miku spotted her and patted the seat next to her.

"What's going on?" Rin asked sleepily. 

"We made vegetable soup for you, and hot chocolate," Len chirped, proud about cooking. 

"Oh." Rin said as she began to eat.

The rest of the day was just chatter about school, life, and other things. 

"It's already 7, I need to leave," Miku pointed out. "Bye! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Goodbye!" Len said and Rin waved. 

"Your girlfriend finally came to our house," Len said, sipping whatever is left of his hot chocolate.

"Len!" Rin shouted, flustered. Her face became red with the thought of her and Miku dating.

"Just kidding!" Len laughed, looking at his sister's face.

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