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Taehyung shifted uneasily in his seat, trying not to stare at the boy sitting opposite him, Jungkook.
Ah shit, what's the point. He thought, eventually giving up and checking Jungkook out.
He laughed in his head. When we were young, he was a scrawny carrot and now he's a fucking machine!
Jungkook noticed Taehyung looking at him, and rolled his eyes.
"Checking me out huh?" Jungkook said, snapping Tae out of his 'phase.'
"Wha I uh NO!" He retorted, very unconvingly.
Jungkook looked sarcastic. "I can tell when you lie, you know. Was best friends with you until you just left me!" Jungkook spat, leaving Taehyung in utter shock. Fuck, he's right though. Taehyung just shrugged and looked away, averting his attention to his friends, Hoseok who was sitting beside him and Jimin who was on the other side of Hoseok.
Hoseok was staring at Yoongi like a stalker, but Taehyung found it amusing.
"Goddamit you thirsty hoe come on!" Yoongi suddenly exclaimed, grabbing Hoseok and dragging him to the bathroom.
Everyone stared at them confused, before returning to chatting.
"Jimin, help!" Taehyung whispered, ducking his head under the table.
Jimin moved his head under, hearing his name. "Hm?" Jimin did not seem surprised, given that the weird duo would often do this in public.
"Jungkook is looking like a snacc, I hate him but I can't stop staring!" He whisper shouted in frustration. Jimin rolled his eyes, before sticking his head back up.
"Taehyung needs to have a word with you, in private."
As Taehyung heard those words, he immediately emerged, glaring at Jimin.
Jungkook just shrugged and waited for Taehyung to follow him. Taehyung surprisingly di, making sure to flip Jimin off visibly.

"So, what?" Jungkook asked, folding his arms across his chest.
"I-uh, um... I LIKE YOU!" Taehyung blurted it out, accidentally.
"Oh, shit I-"
"What the actual FUCK Taehyung! How many fucking times do I have to tell you lonely-ass that I D-O-N-T L-I-K-E you! You fucking push me away for no fucking reason and then now you're acting like there's nothing wrong! You're fucked up in the head, Taehyung!" Jungkook screamed, using various hand actions. Taehyung had never seen him so angry. He felt tears threatining to come from his eyes.
"Jungkook? Let me explain, please?" Taehyung said, frowning.
Jungkook scrunched his nose up.
"Give me one reason to believe you, or I'm kicking your ass."
Taehyung sighed in relief, placing a hand on his fast paced heart.
"So, when we were young, I saw this boy in our school, called Baekhyun. I liked him, I mean, really liked him. But, I also liked you too, as in I had a crush on both of you. I-I felt it was wrong to like my best friend, so, I thought if I ignored you I would focus on Baekhyun more. So I- I left you..." Taehyung explained, looking up at Jungkook.
Jungkook looked like he was going to cry. "You could have told me, Taehyung. You could have fucking told me. I wouldn't have cared, I wouldn't give a shit if you liked Baekhyun. You dumbass." He spat, practically crying. Before Taehyung could speak again, Jungkook's fist met his cheek. Taehyung was shocked. It stung, and he wanted to cry. Taehyung pushed Jungkook away and ran away, cursing at every name he knew as he ran home.


Jungkook had his fists clenched as he stormed off to his house, tears steaming down his face.
"I can't believe it..." He said under his breath, wiping his nose with his sleeve.
Jungkook aggressively opened his door, thankful nobody was there. He ran to his room and fell onto his bed, sobbing into the pillow.
He spent the rest of the day ignoring the constant texts on his phone, just laying on his bed and watching movies.
Eventually he drifted off to sleep, still in his clothes.


So this chapter was shorter than the others, I don't really like it much but it goes.
Anyway, hope you're still enjoying this :)

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