Sinewave Londinium (Steampunk Automaton) (steampunk/fantasy RP OC)

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Aesthetic by PokechuBirdie (thank you so much!!!)

I have made a more detailed, comprehensive and tidy bio for Sinewave in slide format. I can PM you the link; for some reason I can't seem to copy/paste into the book directly.

Note: This OC is a non-fandom OC made for roleplays, so some aspects may change depending on the rules/setting/scenario etc. of the roleplay. Please tell me if anything does not "fit in" with the setting/universe etc. of the roleplay and I can adjust accordingly (eg abilities, some aspects of timeline and backstory, though the latter would be mainly for the purpose of integration into the universe, not full-on giving her a different backstory). Can work in historical or modern setting; some aspects of the bio relate to one or the other. See the bottom of this chapter for some notes/clarifications.

"I am nothing if not efficient."

Name: Sinewave Londinium

Gender: female

Species: sentient automaton (was originally built as a generator; technically speaking she is still a generator as well as an automaton since she didn't lose any "functionality" when she was modified)

Age: construction was completed in 1757; her "birthday" (or rather, her first day of operation) was January 16th 1757 (age depends on what year the roleplay takes place; most steampunk roleplays take place no earlier than the 1800s)

Nicknames and monikers:
-Generator/Gennie (by her creator and his associates before she was properly named)
-Sine (by friends)
-Candidate Seventeen (as the 17th sentient automaton to undergo the Sentience Examination)
-Madam Generator (by those who knew her back in her early days among society; it started as a sort of sarcastic insult or form of mockery [for example, "Of course, Madam Generator would never approve of such inefficiency!"] as back then she was extremely blunt and argumentative and often came across as "high and mighty", however once she got better at interacting with people and gained the respect of those around her as they also gained a better understanding of her, this moniker became an acknowledgment of that respect. It is a moniker that Sinewave tolerates but does not encourage.)
-the Influence Machine (a moniker that came about in later years, Sinewave does not know how it started or who started it. It has a double meaning; influence machines are the class of generators to which Sinewave belongs, and this moniker came about as a result of Sinewave developing something of a reputation at some point. Again, this is a moniker Sinewave tolerates but does not encourage, as to do so would make her seem snobbish or self-centred.)
-Sparky (modern-day slang for an electrician)

Possible jobs: her job depends on what time the roleplay takes place (as well as the kind of setting of the roleplay)
-during the first few years after becoming an automaton she wouldn't have a job as she would be busy learning about the world and its people, though she could also take on some random freelance work during this period.
-during the first half of the 19th century, she would act as a sort of advocate or lawyer for other sentient automatons (or she would specialise in cases where they were involved even if not representing them directly) due to the growing population of sentient automatons and the need for them to be represented by someone who knows and understands how they operate.
-late 19th and early 20th century: during this time period, electricity is finally becoming more of a thing, and when the city implements a city-wide electrical system, she is naturally called in to help implement it. Essentially, she would be an electrician working for the city. During the late 20th century she would probably continue to work as an electrician wherever one was needed (whether it was still work for the city, or in people's homes). She would continue to represent/advocate for fellow sentient automatons when needed but at this point it would not be as crucial due to people having a better understanding of them and there being more of them now.
-since she is active during the night as well as the day, she may keep herself busy at night by volunteering for other random jobs that need doing at night (mainly applies to fantasy RPs)

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