Kunoichis in the Dragon Lands

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One day at the School of Friendship, inside the training gym the ninjas along with the Young Six were watching Karai and April spar. Karai was coming at April with katana strikes, while April was dodging and using her tessen to block Karai's strikes.

"Come on, April!" Donnie cheered his crush on.

"You go, Karai!" Shinigami cheered for her best friend.

April after blocking several of Karai's moves went on the offense with a combo of her tessen and tanto blade, "Not bad, April. But it's not over yet!" Karai shifted into her snake form and struck.

"Hey! No special abilities!" April called.

"There are no rules in a fight." Karai reminded her.

"Alright then." April used his unicorn magic on Karai and threw her against a wall.

"Lucky shot." Karai hissed before changing back to normal.

The two girls continued to fight it out, until they saw a glow coming from their backsides and halted their spar. As the others noticed, Casey spoke up, "Girls, you're glowing."

April and Karai looked down at their respective Cutie Marks being a Bold style number five and the three toed dragon symbol were glowing, "Not us, but our cutie marks." April noticed.

Karai spoke to April, "That only happens if..." April and Karai caught on as they sheathed their weapons and left the gym with their friends following them.

The two entered the Castle of Friendship's throne room where Twilight and Spike were waiting, "Hey, Twilight!" April began.

"I know. The Map is calling you and Karai for a Friendship Mission." the Princess explained.

"That's awesome!" Leo said with excitement.

"Yeah. To be called by the map to solve a Friendship Problem." Donnie added.

"Though why us specifically?" Karai asked, as she and April were confused.

"I'm not sure, but the map has always been right when deciding what ponies are best suited to deal with whatever friendship problem it senses." Twilight explained.

"So where are we going?" April asked, as the group looked at the map.

They saw Karai and April's cutie marks were hovering above a volcano Southeast of Equestria, "You two are on your way to the Dragon Lands." Twilight answered.

"The Dragon Lands?" Bebop asked.

"Yeah. It's where the dragons live." Spike explained.

"So we're being asked to settle a problem among dragons?" Karai asked.

"It's quite possible. But I'm sure you'll find the problem when you get there." Twilight said.

"I'll make sure to send a letter to Dragon Lord Ember and let her know you'll be there. Maybe she can help point you two in the right direction." Spike offered.

"Thanks, Spike." April said.

"And I've already packed you girls some things you may need for going there," Twilight levitated two saddle sacks onto the girls backs, "And also a map in case you get lost." Twilight levitated a map to them.

"Well, we seem to have what we need." April said.

"We should get going." Karai added.

"The both of you be careful out there." Leo warned them.

"Yeah. Just because Ember's our ally doesn't mean every dragon is." Sunset put in.

"Don't worry, if any dragon messes with us, we can handle them." April promised, as Karai nodded in agreement.

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