Robot Friend

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The Young Six and Metalhead had made their way into the Everfree forest, "You're gonna love the Castle of the Two Sisters, Metalhead." Ocellus told the robot.

"Yeah. When Chancellor Neighsay tried to close the school and our guardians tried to take us home we all ran away and hid there where we wouldn't be driven apart." Gallus explained.

Yona looked at Metalhead curiously before speaking up, "You think he understand what we saying?"

"Why wouldn't he?" Sandbar asked.

"No matter how much we talk to robot pony he don't respond."

Smolder started realizing it, "Yeah. You'd think Sensei Donnie would've made him capable of speaking."

"Come on, you guys," Sandbar said, "So what if Metalhead can't speak. He's still ok to me." Sandbar said as he walked along side Metalhead.

They soon stopped outside the sisters former castle, "Well, this is it." Silverstream said.

"Seems like yesterday we all ran away to here." Ocellus recalled.

"Let's hope this time we don't run into anymore puckwudgies." Smolder said.

"You and me both." Gallus agreed, as they went inside the castle.

Meanwhile somewhere in the forest, the ground shook and out came the transport module. Exiting the vehicle was Night Terror and the Foot Soldiers he brought with.

"I should really use this to drill into all of Equestria's banks," he told himself, before turning to the Foot Soldiers, "Alright, you mooks. Their location is not far from here. So fall out." Night Terror led the Foot Soldiers through the forest with him and each one armed with a blaster.

Back with the others, they were giving Metalhead a tour of the castle, "And this here was the original throne room of the two sisters." Ocellus showed the robot.

"You know, we should really look into making this place our own personal hangout," Smolder suggested, "I mean think about it. A place for us to just go and hang out."

"And get some personal ninja training done." Sandbar added.

"Maybe, but it's dangerous to be out there," Ocellus reminded them, "This is the Everfree Forest after all."

"Ocellus, we're training to be ninjas, and with the moves we're learning whatever lives out here won't stand a chance against us." Gallus boasted.

Suddenly taking them by surprise laser blasts opened fire on them and they all took cover, "What's going on?" Silverstream asked in fright.

Sandbar peeked out to see the Foot Soldiers, "It's Shredder's Foot Soldiers."

"Them again?" Smolder asked, "We can handle them."

"But the minute we go out, they'll open fire." Ocellus warned them.

"We need to draw their fire." Sandbar said, as all eyes fell on Metalhead.

"Think you can cause a diversion?" Ocellus asked the robot, as Metalhead gave her a thumb's up.

As the Foot stood waiting, Metalhead came out and they opened fire. Metalhead himself ran around and started blasting back destroying a couple of the Foot Soldiers.

"Alright, Metalhead!" Smolder cheered.

"Smash 'em hard!" Yona cheered.

Metalhead clobbered the rest of the Foot Soldiers and stood victorious, until something came out of the shadows of a hall and slammed him into the wall.

Equestria Ninjas: Friendship SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now