quarente quatre

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"Thanks for the lift noona." He mumbled, still in a soul mood from his fight with Jungkook.

"My pleasure sugar pie." She smirked from her seat, waving him off. "Anytime." She winked.

He smiled at he, the two min siblings waved at him once the door was closed, Taehyung mirroring them with a small chuckle.

Yoona waited for Taehyung to be safely within the school gates before starting the car again.

"Damn it Yoongi, why did you let the dude slip, he was so hot." Yoona whined as she looked at her brother in the rear view mirror.

"I don't like him anymore." Yoongi mumbled. "Besides, his boyfriend is a good guy, though he did just fuck up."

"Oh really? Tell me the tea." She smirked, turning the radio off and placing a hand on the armrest, the other loosely holding the steering wheel.

"Nothing important, just a few fights here and there. The whole friend group is kinda tense at th-" his sentence was cut off when he noticed Jimin on the sidewalk next to the car, running after it like his life depended on it, looking at Yoongi with the most ridiculous expression on his face.

His arms were flailing at his sides to help run faster, tie hitting his face occasionally with how fast he was going and mouth wide open, probably from breathing hard.

He was already pretty sweaty, hair all over the pace as he ran next to the car, slowly inching closer to the driver's seat.

"Do you know him?" Yoona asked, a small amused smile on her lips at the sight of this dude running next to her car. "Should i accelerate?"

"Stop the car." Yoongi sighed, his sister obliging and parking on the sidewalk, Jimin stumbling to a stop.

The older rolled down his window, trying hard not to glare or scoff at the poor boy, who was now holding his knees as he panted roughly. Not that he hated Jimin, they'd just not parted on the best terms the last time they had seen each other.

"Yoongi-hyung..." He managed to choke out between breaths. "I'm... so... sorry."

And with that he raised his head, revealing red and teary eyes and a wobbly lip. Whether that was because he had just ran up to a car or because he was actually that genuine about his apology was a mystery to Yoongi, but it still surprised him to the point his eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up his forehead.

"I'm... s-sorry for being... an.. asshole to you... " He sobbed difficulty, breathing still shallow. "Please forgive me."

Yoongi felt, so awkward, to have Jimin apologies to him, especially because his sister was in the front seat, listening to everything that was happening and probably filing it in her head for future teasing material.

He did chuckled slightly though, finding the situation utterly funny.

"Aish Jimin-ah." He almost laughed, making Jimin stop wiping his tears and look at him. "Just act like your normal self around me and we'll be good, yeah?"

Jimin nodded, breaking out into another sob. It made Yoongi slightly uncomfortable to have someone crying over him, so he just acted on impulse, sticking one hand out of the car and ruffling Jimin's already messy hair as certain form of comfort.

"Don't cry." He uttered, looking at Jimin fondly.

Though he had only received shit from him until now, he'd never had anything against Jimin, and heard so much of him from Hoseok and his friends, he figured Jimin wasn't a bad person. And seeing him cry, with such a heartfelt apology, it just pulled at his heart strings.

Jimin looked up at him gratefully, suddenly jumping at his neck and hugging him in the small space of the car window.

"Thank you hyung." He sobbed. "I promise i'll get better."

And with that, he straightened back up, hitting the back of his head on the window frame, making Yoongi bite his lip not to laugh (though his sister did snort in the front.), waving at Yoongi who nodded with a smile, and then proceeded to start running the opposite direction back to his school.

Yoongi rolled his window back up and Yoona started the car again.

"What was that about?" She asked with a small smile.

"Nothing." Yoongi mumbled, placing his cheek against his palm and looking at the landscapes flashing behind the window.

"Why don't you get with him?" Yoona smirked. "He's cute."

"And taken." Yoongi corrected.

"Damn it Yoongi! what is it with you and cute guys who're already dating!"


I only have like four days left before school starts again... 

Have any of you already started school, how'd it go??

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