The Foreign Exchange Student

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[ One week before Christmas break..]


"SHUT UP!" Yelled a very grumpy Jebediah/Jason/Jonathan (his real name remains a mystery) Schlatt. Grumbling, he laid his head back on the pillow. His bed way more interesting then school.


"FUCK OFF-!" Schlatt hollered as he threw the alarm clock at a wall directly in front of him. He sighed knowing he is either going to have to replace it or be late to school everyday before Christmas break. He looked around deciding he should probably get up from his warm bed and get ready for school, he already missed his bed and he wasn't but 3 feet out of his room.

Schlatt walked to the kitchen taking out some orange juice and a piece of bread. He popped the bread into the toaster and continued to fix himself a glass of orange juice.

A few moments later the bread popped up from its resting place.. only for it to be burnt. 'Dammit' Schlatt thought staring at the blacked bread. He sighed, 'looks like I'm having orange juice for breakfast' he bitterly thought to himself.

After he finished his 'breakfast' he wandered back to his room to change. He quickly equipped a pair of pants and a blue sweatshirt. He slung his black backpack over his shoulder and walked out of his apartment.

As Schlatt drove to school he remember that today his homeroom class was getting two new foreign exchange students. Kind of dumb if you were to ask Schlatt how he felt. We're already five months, bout' half way into senior year, and you're going to transfer to a whole new school? Pretty dumb decision. Schlatt rolled his eyes, his car stuck in place, "traffic" he says under his breath with a hint of anger.

The line hasn't moved but 2 feet in the last thirty minutes, so Schlatt decides to see what the group chat is up to. Schlatt has quite a few friends, at school he's known to be a pretty extroverted and loud person. Also all his friends (including him) are known for having YouTube channels and posting content on them. More specifically this time around, Minecraft.

Schlatt unlocks his phone and stares at the iMessage app. A little red bubble with the number 23 inside of it highlighted white. He tapped on the group chat tiled 'Goons' and quickly read through about half of them. He didn't read the other half because he lost just about every braincell he had left reading the first half.

The group chat consisted of himself, Carson, Josh, Cooper, Travis, Connor, Noah and a few others. They have all been friends for a variety of time, some have been friends with others for longer then others. Schlatt's closest friend is Connor, they have been friends for about 3 years now, since the beginning of high school. Freshmen year is when everyone really started hanging out as a group. It's now senior year and all of the friends are doing as swell as ever.

Schlatt let's out a puff of relief as he finally got to his high school. He walked in just as the bell decided to ring. He smiled knowing he was going to get to class right on time.

He walked into Mr. Sallows class and sat down at the back corner table. Carson and Josh already seated at the table in front of him. They were laughing about something Carson had pulled up on his phone. Carson turned noticing Schlatt sitting there. "Oh hey Schlatt" he says. Josh followed Carson's action, turning to wave at Schlatt all while still laughing like a buffoon over whatever Carson showed him.

A few minutes later and all of the group was here. Connor and Schlatt were talking about how to make some quick cash on the Minecraft server the friend group all played on. "I have an idea!" Schlatt says excitedly. "Ok spill it-" Connor was cut off swiftly by the teacher quieting the class. "We'll continue this conversation at lunch" Schlatt whispers to Connor, connor nods in agreement.

"Class today we are greeted by two new foreign exchange students!" Mr. Sallows exclaims. He point at a younger light brown haired boy with glasses. "Introduce yourself" Sallows smiles at the boy. "My name is Vincent and I'm very excited to be here." the boy says in a very heavy French accent. "Thank you Vincent you can go sit with Zak and Darryl." He points at a table where a boy with a dark brown quiff and a dirty blond boy with glasses sit. If schlatt's not mistaken they also have YouTube channels. A little more unknown but they're still there.

"Next we have.." he silenced himself so the next boy can continue. "Oh uh.. my name is Wilbur and uh.. I'm excited to be here?" He said ending his sentence like a question. He had a British accent, and fluffy brown hair. Quite cute if Schlatt was being honest.

Now before we continue, Schlatt has always joked about being gay and not being gay but Schlatt knows deep down he really doesn't care. Guys and girls were both pretty cool and he honestly didn't care much about dating. Schlatt knew when he finds the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with it'll just feel right.

Schlatt may have spaced out for a few minutes because the new foreign exchange student was now sitting next to him and holding his hand out for Schlatt to shake. "Oh..uh! Hi my name is Jason. But! You can call me Schlatt.." Schlatt managed to churn out a sentence 'nice going you idiot already embarrassed yourself and you've only known the guy for about a minute.' Schlatt mentally facepalmed "Ok Schlatt, my name is Wilbur.. and uh... you can call me Wilbur" he chuckled.

"So Wilbur where are you from?" Carson speaks up with this dumb monotone voice. "Well isn't it obvious?" Wilbur questioned. Travis was the first to yell out "are you from Australia??" He asked excitedly, "Travis- no.." cooper said looking at his friend with a confused glare. "Well I don't know he just sounds like he would be.. also he-" Travis went on blabbering about Australia, cooper proving many of his points wrong.

Schlatt toned out their conversation and focused back on Wilbur. "Uh well if it's that much of a mystery then Ill just tell you all" Wilbur spoke up. "I'm from-" Schlatt jumped as Connor clapped his hands together loudly "BRITAIN!" He exclaimed yelling way louder then he needed to. "Connor calm down, Shallows is gonna yell at us again." Josh said while watching the teacher who was half way out of the classroom door. Schlatt turned his attention back to Wilbur as he laughed. Schlatt smiles enjoying the sound of Wilbur's laugh, "well you, sir Connor, are correct!" Wilbur said through his laughing fit.

'Wait how did he know Connors name?' Schlatt looked back at Connor confused. Connor looked him in the eyes and sighed knowing exactly what Schlatt was going to ask him, "we all introduced ourselves while you spaced out" Connor said in a sarcastic tone. Schlatt blushed a bit now knowing that he forgot everyone was here while he talked to himself about his sexuality.. and Wilbur being cute.

"..join us for lunch?" Was all Schlatt heard as he snapped back into reality 'shit' he thought 'I need to stop doing that'. "Sure sounds like fun!" Wilbur smiled accepting the offer. "Good choice Wilbur." Carson smiled. Schlatt was always confused with Carson, 'I don't understand that man. On second though I don't think anyone does..' and with that last thought in mind the bell rung.

"See you guys later!" Cooper said as he, Travis and Noah walked out heading to their next class. Carson and Josh conversed as they walked out the class. It was only Wilbur, Conner and himself. "Uh... I have world geo. Next.." Wilbur spoke quietly. Connor smiled kindly at him "so do we, come on you can walk with us." Connor said gathering his stuff and walking out of the class, Schlatt and Wilbur in tow.

[ One week before Christmas break..]

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