The Calm Before The Storm

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- schlatt's pov -

Schlatt groaned as he opened his eyes, light was shining through the window, he was on a bed and very.. warm? He looks to his left and sees a body next to him. The body has curly brown hair and a soft white sweater on. 'Wilbur.' Was the only thought that came to mind. Schlatt was about to combust, 'I'm in bed with Wilbur??' He screams in his mind. 'We didn't.. do anything last night did we?!' Schlatt thinks getting more panicked. 'No no, we couldn't have. Wilbur isn't that type of guy to just have sex with his friend he just met about a week ago.' Schlatt calmed a bit, before he realized today is the last day of school before Christmas break.

'But do we really have to go.. this is really comfortable..." Schlatt derails from his own thoughts, eyes moving up and down Wilbur's face. He was breathing softly, one arm over his stomach the other... Schlatt followed Wilbur's shoulder, down to his arm, then.. 'Wilbur was holding me.' Schlatt says. His face, pink 'what happened last night?' Schlatt thinks again, trying hard to remember. Schlatt was deep in thought, that was until Wilbur decided to change positions from almost falling off the bed to now hugging and holding onto Schlatt. schlatts mind was no longer sought on finding the reason as to why they were in bed practically cuddling. No, now he was focused on the fact that Wilbur. W I L B U R  MOTHERFUCKIN SOOT was cuddling with him.

'This can not be real.' Schlatt thinks. At the moment he was staring Wilbur right in the face, Wilbur's soft breaths coming in and out of his nose at a steady beat. Though Wilbur had constricted himself around Schlatt, Schlatt was still able to move his arms. He folded his arm, and lifted it up to Wilbur's head. 'I have way to much power.' He thinks to himself.

Schlatt decided to place his hand on the side of Wilbur's face, the perfect place to touch both his face and hair. 'Soft' was the only word necessary. Schlatt rubbed his thumb in circles on Wilbur's soft face. 'I can't stop myself.. he has too much control over my emotions.' Schlatt has no idea what is happening but his body is moving on his own, his mind barely thinking. Schlatt's eyes trail up to his fluffy bed head hair. Schlatt's hand moves smoothly to his brown fluff. 'Soft' the word repeats. Schlatt runs his hand through Wilbur's hair, when Wilbur decides to react.

Schlatt stays completely still until he realizes that Wilbur is leaning into his touch. 'He's enjoying it..?' A little voice speaks in his mind. Schlatt ran his hand through a few more times before he moved his hand away. Let's just say mistakes were made. The grip on schlatt's waste tightened, and Wilbur has now buried his head into schlatt's neck.

'I'm going to have a sensory overload.' He says to himself. Schlatt shudders, Wilbur basically had his lips to his neck. 'This isn't happening this isn't happening this isn't happening this isn't happening-' his mind was in a state of emergency.

Schlatt was now unable to use his arms and his face was itchy from Wilbur's fluffy hair. Schlatt had no choice but to wake wilbur up.. orrr he could go back to sleep and let Wilbur deal with it later. Schlatt sighed, 'that's mean I can't just let him deal with what I probably did.' His mind agrees. 'Ok let's do this.' Schlatt thinks.
Schlatt moves what little bit of his arms he can. 'Of course the farthest my arms will reach is his waste.' Schlatt says letting out a breath. He places his hands on Wilbur's waste, 'S K I N' his mind immediately makes a connection.

Wilbur's sweater had rode up his body a bit exposing his waste. 'Holy fuck this man is going to kill me without even trying to.' Schlatts mind is burning. He shakes his hands that are still on Wilbur's waist a bit and murmurs into Wilbur's ear "Wilbur we need to get up. You need to turn in your paper, then we can come back and-... we can come back and hang out?" Schlatt ends his sentence as a question. 'I wouldn't consider this hanging out.' He mentally rolls his eyes.

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