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Heyyy guys..

I'm so sorry to disappoint, but this story will not be continued nor finished. I have left and come back to the Mcyt fandom from time to time but now I have realized and learned that this story pushes the boundaries of many content creators. Not only that but now, two years later, it involves a few people who have done some awful shit. So this story will not be picked up again. As for me as a person.. I've been doing just fine, I've recently returned to the mcyt fandom and I am relearning how much fun this fandom is :] I am nearing the end of my school year and will be a junior next year. I am very grateful for all the readers who have and did support this story, I hope everyone who has even contributed in anyway, either by reading or commenting, bring their amazing support to another hopeful author that could use it. That is all, have an amazing night/day, wherever you are in the world as you read this :] <3

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