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Schlatt waited by the bus pick-up, clearly anxious. He was messing with his semi-long hair, tapping his foot and looking in every direction possible. He puffed out the breath he had been holding in for the past three minutes as he sees Wilbur waving at him. Schlatt waved back gravitating towards the British boy.

"Hey Schlatt." He greets as they both stop in front of each other "ready to go hang out?" Wilbur asks "sure.. but uh. How are we going to get there?" Schlatt asks, "I drove my car here today so I don't know if you have your car or..?" Schlatt trailed off, 'of course he doesn't have his own car you idiot he just moved here from over seas.' Schlatt thought shooting down his own question. "Oh we can take your car." Wilbur says giggling a bit before continuing his sentence "I was kind of hoping you had a ride because I took the bus to school this morning." Wilbur says pointing at a random bus. "Oh yea.. buses are. Cool?" Schlatt says confused with the words coming out of his mouth. "So where did you park?" Wilbur asks, thankfully ignoring Schlatts stupid blabber. "Right this way!" Schlatt says leading them to his car.

"Wilbur what are you doing you silly man?" Schlatt chuckles as Wilbur opens the door to the driver seat. "Oh yea.. I'm not in the UK anymore. Everything is flipped here" he says laughing at his own idiocy. "Flipped here? Your the one who lives in a backwards country. You don't even have air conditioning!" Schlatt exaggerates. "Shut up and get in the drivers seat seeing as I've already opened the door for you." Wilbur says grinning. "Thanks" Schlatt reply's, a smile on both faces.

As schlatt drove Wilbur turned to him, "Hey Schlatt?" "Yea?" Schlatt asked not able to take his eyes off the road to return Wilbur's glare. "Uh.. my.. my apartments a not the biggest so.. I'm uh.. apologizing ahead of time!" He says as if he came up with something on the fly. "No worries." Schlatt says, confused and wondering what he was actually going to say to him before the excuse. "Turn right at midnight road"  the gps says.

"Well we're here.. I welcome you to my humble abode." Wilbur says opening the door to his cosy little apartment. They both step in, schlatt looks around the room. the apartment opened with a kitchen on the left and a living room connected to the kitchen. On the right was a small hallway with two doors on either side of the apartment. "It's cute" Schlatt says unable to filter his words before they come out of his mouth. "I mean uh," schlatt's eyes widen and his face heats up, he then makes eye contact with Wilbur. Wilbur chuckles, Schlatt still burning red "cute.. a nice way to describe it I guess" Wilbur says grinning at Schlatt.

"...and this is the bathroom." Wilbur says, he and Wilbur thought it was a good idea to 'tour' Wilbur's house before doing anything interesting. "This is my room!" Wilbur smiles as he turns to the door opposite from the bathroom. "Come in and I'll give you a tour of it" Wilbur says to Schlatt with a wink. Schlatt's knees felt weak , 'Did- did Wilbur just flirt with me??' Schlatt's face was at the least five hundred degrees hot right now and his heart was racing.

He very robotically stepped into Wilbur's room, working automatically, for his brain was malfunctioning. "This is my bed, where the magic happens!" Wilbur says pointing to a mattress on the floor, 'wait what he just-' "this is my pc set up" he says pointing to a monitor with a chair, microphone and some headphones around it. It looked like a- "do you play video games Wilbur?" Schlatt questioned, excitement evident in his voice. Thankfully he was finally able to say something after his little feelings breakdown.

"Uh.. yea? Well sometimes but lately I haven't." Wilbur says, "but I used to play minecraft all the time-" Schlatt quickly cut off Wilbur "really?! Me and all of my friends and quite a few people from school play Minecraft! You should join us one day- oh! We have this really cool server called SMPLive where we livestream our gameplay and we actually get views! Carson is the ringleader of that server but I'm sure if you ask him he'll let you join and you can start streaming like we do! And-" Schlatt looked from Wilbur's feet to his eyes, 'oh shit..' Schlatt thought. " uh.. so it's cool to fine another Minecraft player..hehe..." Schlatt try's explaining himself after all of his rambling.

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