Chapter One

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Your POV:

"Time has sure passed me by." I thought to myself as I walked down the halls of the college I teach dance at. I was getting ready to walk to the class as I saw my "best friend" walk toward me. I froze in my foot steps scared to move, as he walked closer to me. I pulled me turtle neck over my lips, as I bite them walking passed him, and tears running down my eyes. I thought for sure I was okay, but before I knew it he had grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his warm embrace. He pulled my turtle neck down, and rubbed my tears away, he could quite visibly see my pink, puffy cheeks as he held me in his arms. He leaned down and kissed my forehead as if we had talked for the past 3 years that I've been trying to move on from. I pushed him away with a pout visible on my face, and he laughed as he ruffled my hair and said "hey, you want to go get something to eat, I need to tell you something?" I stood there completely ignoring what he just said, bewildered that he even knew where I was. He waved his hand in front of my face, and I snapped back into reality, and asked "huh, what? Sorry I spaced out." He looked at me and smiled. I blushed a little before he grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the exit. "wait, what are you doing, I have a class to teach." I say as I try to get out of his grip. "call in and say your sick. I'm more important, aren't I?" I look at him, and nod.

Once we got out of the school and I got my best fake sick act on and called the school. "Hi, this is Y/N, and I'm feeling really sick, so I'm going to stay at home. Is that okay?" I gulped waiting for approval and then Jimin did something I never thought he'd do, he kissed me. I pushed him away then started to cough, that was my first kiss, and I got it stolen just so I can get out of work, but I also saw him blushing which made me pretty happy inside. The person started to talk as she was saying that I could stay home. So I thanked her in a whisper and pouted at Jimin to make him think that I couldn't go. he pouted thinking that I couldn't go, then he said "You can't go see your bestfriend on his birthday." I started to shake my head no, but I couldn't help but to hug him when I saw him crying. I hugged him, and I said "It was only a joke, don't cry. I'm sorry Chimmy." As I said those words I looked up at him, hugging him tighter. I saw his blush from a mile away, but chose to ignore it, because I myself was blushing to. He smiled at my remark, and took my hands. "hey, where are we going Chimmy?" I say at his sudden change in attitude. "You'll see." He said as he smiled looking back at me. I pouted and whispered under my breath "fine", earning a smile from Jimin.

We arrive at his car, he opened my door, and said "here, my lady." I got into the car not helping my smile. When I got into the car, I couldn't put together why he was acting like this. He got into the car and started to drive off. Every time I get into a car all I remember is the night that me and him crashed. It was very scary and that was the last I ever talked to him, until now. My dad had banned me, but my dad isn't around anymore, yes I feel like I'm betraying the only wish I had from my father, and yes I was in a coma for a year, but I forgive the boy sitting next to me.


I was in the car with Jimin, we had the music blaring. We were singing, I was shouting with my arm out the window. The night sky was so pretty, the stars and moon were all I could see. Jimin had taken my hand and started to hold it. I had blushed, well everything made me blush when he was there. Then out of no where, BAM! We got hit by a drunk driver that had ran into us. He was okay, but I was not. The car flipped over, leading me to hit my head on windshield, I had passed out. The last thing I remember is seeing Jimin getting me out of the car and the stars shining, while hearing a man screaming at Jimin for hitting him. A year later I woke to my mom and dad looking over at me. As soon as I woke up I looked at my them and asked "where's Jimin?" They replied with "sweetie, he ran away. He thought he killed you and he couldn't take it, so he ran away." I remember feeling so guilty, but seeing him now makes everything better.

Flashback Over:

I had woken up, apparently I had fallen asleep like always. He was still holding my hands. I looked up at him with tears running down my face, and he knew why, so instead of going to where ever we were going he took we back to his house. He laid me down in his bed and he cuddled me until I fell asleep.


Hi guys, this is my first ever post! I've always liked writing and reading, I just wanted to give it a shot. I hope you guys enjoy! :) Other chapters will be added every day if I'm not busy. Sorry it was so long.

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