He's Back

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-Rainbow Dash POV-

After having a blast on the climbing wall, (that Don Robinson was a genius) I took the book I selected randomly and skimmed through it to remind myself which one it was. I practically wrote these since it's my words that inspired all of them so I was just seeing what I had to know and everything else I had to pretend not to know. Nothing new. After all, I need to pretend to not know anything about history or science. I literally lived through it all. But just for the record, I always try my dang darndest best in Math and English but can barely get an average grade. If my secret gets out then I'm definitely talking to our government about the ‘no child left behind’ act from 2002. 

Sunset walked in and saw me reading then smirked. “Didn't think you'd need to read them as well.”

I closed the book after slipping in a paper. “I just need to know what I'm not supposed to know. If I know to much then they'll get suspicious.”   

“Why are you hiding? We'll only want to help, and it will save us a lot of time if you just tell us what we need to know rather than reading the same thing over and over only getting something new every other book.”

“I know what I'm doing Sunset. Plus, they still probably won't believe me.” 

“I'd be willing to back you up. And they know about my magic so they should believe me.”

I thought it over for a while. I knew that going through all the books would be good for them but she does make a good point. And I know I'll need to tell them eventually. “You're right. And I am planning on telling them. But not for a good while. Trust me on this.”

It was quiet for a moment, “How do you know about prayers people say?”

“The book Applejack chose explains all the religious services and how they work. Granted, if it gets kicked up again I'm not gonna ask for sacrifices from your flock but you'll get the basics from it.”   

“Oh.” silence. “Why did you make mosquitoes?”

“You're out of questions.”   

“Oh come on!”

Half an hour past of her asking questions, I remained silent as an answer to all of them, till I suggested we go out to the boats.

“Oh. No. You are not leaving till you answer at least one question.”   

I smirked. “Really?” I put a hand behind my back blocking it from her point of view and my other over my mouth so she wouldn't see it moving.   

She walked to the door of the tent, crossed her arms, and said “Really.”

While she did that, I quickly whispered, “Eight legs creep and crawl, make a nice design. They will eat most bugs, and protect what's mine. Venom to defend, black and red to shine, long legs to go fast, and protect what's mine. Protect what's mine”

I pulled my hand out from behind me and she backed into the fabric door seeing what was in it. A Black Widow. I smirked seeing the pure terror on her face. “Then I guess I'll just make a little friend to play with.”

Sunset immediately unzipped the door. “Ok, we'll go to the boats!” Then she zipped out.

I laughed before shouting, "I'll be there in a minute.” I walked to where there was a tree in the forest and put my hand near some leaves so it could climb off. But it didn't. “Come on little guy. This is your new home. You'll find that you know how to do everything you need to survive.”

With that it crawled onto the tree and began to spin a web. “Good luck.” I told it before running to meet with Sunset by the docks. 

“Did you really need to do that?” Sunset said quietly as she could with me still hearing her.

“In the feature, Sunset, let me make one thing clear.”


“I hardly explain anything.” I smirked and sped up seeing our friends about to go sailing. “Mind if me and Sunset come along?”

“Yeah! Come on in!” 

We were just about to get on after I ran to get us life jackets when the sky went dark and laughing was heard behind me. I froze knowing the laugh to well. 

Sure enough, when I turned around I saw Lucifer himself floating mere inches off the ground. 

“It seems you all learned your lesson when it comes to denying me what I ask.” I scenced where Soarin's ora was and was relieved to find he was inside the cabin struggling to bake cookies with Flash and Golden Harvest an explosion blacked out all the windows. I jammed the lock with some vines for good measure.  

He continued, “Now, I'll ask one last time. Where…” he looked in our direction and his eyes widened in shock as we made eye contact. I backed up in fear as my friends all stood in a protective semi circle to block me from him. But I knew that there were shadows under the dock. And where there's shadow, he has power. 

“How are you…” he asked confused, wondering how I was alive. Then realization hit his face and he smirked causing fear to rise even higher. “You know it's not a good idea to befriend mortals Eabah.” My heart began to pound harder to the point that if I was normal I'd have a heart attack. 

“W-what are you talking about?” I said still not wanting my secret to get out. 

His smirk didn't fade as he knocked both me and my friends back into the deepest part of the lake. At first I didn't worry since we had life vests but then I realized he punctured holes in them all and we all began to sink fast. 

I can't die from drowning but my friends could and they were all either unconscious from the blast or there clothes were weighing them down. 

Desperate, I said a prayer to by brother. “Evian, please. Bring my mortal friends to safety.” 

I put their lives and my being with them in his hands, knowing he'd respond, as I blacked out. 

I felt compressions on my chest and began coughing up water. When I stopped I looked up to see Soarin looking down at me my friends standing around. 

I sat up rubbing my head. “What happened?” I asked no one in particular. 

“I was told that this creepy guy came looking for me again and knocked you all in the lake.” Soarin started explaining, “We had to unjam the door and when we did I saw you girls floating to the shore on your backs. I pointed you all out so they'll stop putting on scuba gear to find you all and we ran over. You're the last one to wake up.”

Once I heard the story and saw that all my friends were standing around perfectly fine I couldn't help but breath, “Oh thank Evian you all are ok.”

Soarin looked confused having heard me. “Evain?” The girls looked at each other confused while Soarin scratched the back of his head. “Evain. Where have I heard that name before?”

I looked at Sunset for help from my little slip up but she wasn't much of a help simply shrugging as if she didn't know what to do. 

I saw other people that probably did CPR on the others and got up talking to all of them. “Let's go back. And maybe talk about a way to defend in case he comes again.” on the way back I stopped the girls and Soarin. “Meet me in the crystal cave today at three. Ok”   

“What's the crystal cave?” Soarin asked. I forgot he wasn't here last time, nor does he know about our magic. 

“I'll bring you over. Now go have fun till then. I need to talk to my friends.”

He nodded and I turned to my friends. “Look girls, I…” but I couldn't finish. I was gonna tell them about who I am, but I couldn't say it. 

“Yeah?” They all said expectantly. 

Now's not the time. “Nevermind. But Lucifer definitely has some interest with Soarin. I think we should tell him about what we found and if you're willing, our magic.”

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