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Long ago, there was a time where mortals, never existed. The only thing was celestial beings and chunks of rock you will know as asteroids. 

It all started with Ra and Badar. The sun and moon.

Badar was lonely, orbiting an asteroid. But one day she found that her asteroid, along with a few others, orbited another being known as Ra or the sun. The two fell in love and had a few children naming them Alizeh, Evain, Pele, and lastly Eabah.

Alizeh, the eldest, often looked fondly at the asteroid her mother orbited. But one day found that it was crumbling. So created a force field around it that we know as our atmosphere or air.

The second child, Evain, saw what his sister did and decided to add his own touch to the asteroid. He loved the color blue so he covered the asteroid with a blue liquid held down by his sisters force field naming it water.

Pele craved destruction and couldn't stand the thought of not adding her own touch to the asteroid. So she put a big ball of fire in the center that will sometimes break it's shell under the water and she caused some of the land to rise above the water. Volcanoes and all land are thanks to her.

But the final born, Eabah, decided to live on the asteroid her siblings worked so hard on. While there, she created plant life filling most of the land with a green color.

Eventually, she became lonely on the planet so she began to experiment with her powers of creation making animals. Animals for the land, animals for the sea, even animals for the sky. Each to honor her loved siblings. They weren't always perfect, sometimes making something completely opposite of what she imagined, but she eventually got the food chain in balance.    

But something was still missing. Even though her animals had more intelligence and will then the many kinds of plants she made, they could only learn so many things. She wanted to have something that at least had the ability to gain the same amount of intelligence she did.

Based off her own image as a celestial being, she created the first humans. By cradling the first boy and the first girl, it gave her a sense of joy. They were definitely the most intelligent of all the things she created and had the most agency. She loved every one she made after that. She stopped creating them once she found out they can reproduce on their own but that did not change how much she loved them all. 

Ra and Badar were very proud of their children's work, especially Eabah. And showed it by providing light to their children's project. Ra by day, and Badar by night. 

After a few generations of Eabah's creations living, they now populated the whole world in different tribes. But she noticed something. They weren't truly happy. Sure they had moments of joy, but true joy was foreign to them.

So she once again created one last human. One that will be ageless like herself and will generate happiness for all her creations. But the amount of work and energy she put into the being caused it to be more powerful than any other human. She created another Celestial being. 

His name was Felix. He was definitely his own person, but everyone could tell that he was the perfect one to fulfill the destiny he was made for. Eabah was proud of what she created and hung out with Felix often.

After time, Eabah and Felix fell in love despite Feliz being Eabah's creation. Felix proposed to his creator and she accepted glad to find her own happiness at last.

But sorrow can find its way into any life no matter how happy. Darkness found the couple soon before they were to wed leaving Eabah in a state of heartbreak. And different amounts of evil found its way into the hearts of the humans. 

Eabah hid herself away from her family and creations, trapping the dark being in the Chest of Eternity. Legend says that she lives as a mortal taking a different skin tone each generation. And one day, Felix will be resurrected to be united with Eabah once again.

But for now, she is living as a normal teenager. Her name?

    Rainbow Dash. 

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