vii. unfortunate events

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As the weeks progressed in Hogwarts, Dawn was in a bit of a dilemma. Starting off she had become nowhere near closer to figuring out who Fletcher's father was, and secondly, her detentions had gotten worse and Umbridge had taken it upon herself to grant her aimless detentions. She had responded to some of James letters whenever she got a chance but the days in Hogwarts felt endless and often things got caught up in her mind.

Draco and her had grown from hating each other to tolerating one another. It seemed as though they were both equally as annoyed twenty four seven.

Today, however was the second week into Christmas and after a long day in Umbridge's office, ( and a currently bleeding arm ) Dawn made her way down to Hogsmeade to meet with James.

Her relationship with James has proved to be getting better except the fact she felt as though she couldn't trust him. She couldn't explain it, after what happened last year she just found it hard to trust anyone. Slowly, she was but not as much as she would trust the likes of Colleen, Drew or Dave.

" James!" Dawn calls out when spotting him by one of the cafes in Hogsmeade.

James immediately was over and wrapping her in a hug, Dawn closed her eyes and it took everything in those few moments for her to just not tell him everything that had been happening over the last few months. He gripped her softly as if scared he would somehow hurt her, it could happen though physically he was very muscular and tall compared to her.

He appeared cheerful, and happy. Opposite to what she felt everyday.

When Dawn pulled away first he asks. " Do you wanna head in? It's getting nippy out here and you don't have a jacket on."

" It's not that cold."

" I beg to differ," James intercepts, he gestures up towards the sky which was clearing from a snow storm a few days before, the clouds were grey as it was fading. " Come on, lets head in. I think it's pretty empty."

They both entered the cafe, which James had been right was secluded. Barely anyone was inside it except an old woman sitting by herself.

When James got up to go and get the drinks was when Dawn felt another dizzy wave wash over her body. It was like at night time when everything was dark and all you could see was nothing quite literally, and the silence followed it through. Dawn closed her eyes momentarily hoping the dizziness would fade away.

It faded away slowly as she opens her eyes again. This time to see that James was now sitting down with the drinks, and giving her a peculiar look.

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