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once upon a time,                                                                                  

in a land far away,                                                                             

two princesses were best friends,                                                   

 still are to this day.                                                                                 

a villian in black,                                                                               

them away they snatched,                                                            

and the two princesses weren't sure

 if they were ok.

a-riding down from the sunset,                                        

their two princes came,                                              

and killed the evil villian man,                                    

or so the folks claim,                                                

and in the arms of their destined ones,                          

the two princesses would stay,                                  

and the four lived forever after,                                          

happily? they can not say.          

Once upon a Vine,

in a land called L.A.,

two dyslexic girls were best friends,

still are to this day.

a bully in a snapback,

their hearts they did crack,

and people around them knew they weren't ok.

a-riding down Sunset (Boulevard),

their two princes arrived,

they unfollowed the bully,

gave him no more revines,

and in the arms of their baes,

the two girls would stay,

and join them on tour,

and get Chipotle.                  

♕ ♕ 

✖  (c) 2014. sampowell19

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