SoKai: Don't Go

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(A/N: This is right after Kingdom Hearts 2 but only Sora and Riku read the letter.)

Sora was heading to the Paopu Tree. He had something important to tell Kairi, and he wasn't sure what her reaction would be. He sat on it and waited.

A little while later, he saw Kairi heading in his direction.

"Hi Kairi!" Sora smiled and waved when she got close enough.

"Hi Sora." She sat on the Paopu Tree next to him.

They just sat there for a while, staring at the sunset.

Sora finally looked at her. "Kairi, I have to tell you something..."

"What is it, Sora?"

"I have to go somewhere again, and-"

"But you just got back."

"I know, but-"

"And know you're going to leave me again?"

"Kairi, listen-"

"No, YOU listen!" She didn't want to let him finish.

He just sat there. "Fine," He said quietly. "I'm listening."

"Do you know how I feel when you leave me all alone? When you never come back for a visit on your way to wherever you're going? When I have to worry about you every single day because you don't write me a letter or anything? Sometimes I wonder if you're even alive or not!"

"I'm sorry-"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR APOLOGIES!" She had tears in her eyes now. "If you were really sorry, you would stay with me!"

"Kairi, I...It's just...they really need me. I have to go. I am who I am...because of them."

"But what if need you? Have you ever thought of that? Or have you picked up the hero job full-time?"


"Just shut up. It's obvious now what's more important to you." She got off the Paopu Tree and walked off.

"Of course he doesn't love me. He never has."

She didn't notice Sora catch up with her. "Kairi, wait."

"I don't want to hear it."

He sighed and hugged her from behind.

She stopped walking and stood still. "What do you want?"

"I truly am sorry this time. I never knew you felt that way about me going. And I'm also sorry for not writing to you. I didn't have time." He turned her around. "What do you want me to do?"

"Don't go, please. I want you to stay."

He sighed and hugged her again. "All right, I'll stay."

She sighed in relief and hugged back.

She wanted to stay like this forever.

(A/N: See, Nomura? THIS is Kairi done right.

When I first played KH2, I was half expecting Kairi to be mad at him and go, "Why did you leave me for a year?" and all that stuff I had her say here.

But NOOO, Kairi had to be all happy about him returning and not asking any questions and just excepting the fact that he was back and then had to leave again.

What the heck, Nomura?

Kairi ranting aside, I think this is one of my favorite one shots I've ever done.

Fans: "But you don't like SoKai-"

I don't care, okay?

Anyway, see you guys next time!)

Written: August 30, 2019

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