Boxed In

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Allura grunted as she lifted up another heavy crate.

"I am the only quiznacker who gets anything done around here," She complained, "Who knows what would happen without me. Voltron would have fallen apart by now."

Allura knew she was being unfair. All the paladins were important parts of the team. Pidge was the tech whiz, Lance was the sharp-shooter, Hunk made delicious foods that, in Allura's opinion, were absolutely to die for.

Allura knew her judgement was a bit harsh, but she also knew that if she didn't keep pushing the paladins, if she wasn't the glue holding them together, they would fall apart and the universe would be destroyed.

Also, she was the only one who seemed to understand that these crates needed to be moved onto the ship.

The crates contained food goo gel. Added to water, it would create food goo. None of the paladins were helping her because, according to them, food goo was 'disgusting' and 'makes me want to die and take that nasty excuse for food with me so it can suffer in Hell like it deserves.'

Allura didn't understand what all the fuss was about. Food goo provided all the nutrients necessary for Alteans (and humans and Galra) to grow healthier and stronger. Besides, food goo didn't taste too bad. It took on the taste of whatever it was stored next to, which, in this case, was more goo, and also some dust.

Allura hefted up another crate, then quickly sat it back down. This one was heavier than the others, and she hadn't braced herself for the weight. "What the quiznack is in here?"

She walked around the box. It didn't seem to contain a bomb. She kicked it and it didn't explode, which was always a good thing.

However, the box did hiss and begin moving a little, as if there was a creature inside thrashing around.

Allura pulled out her bayard and made it into a sword.

"Who's in there?" She shouted.

The top of the crate went flying, and curled up in the crate was Keith.

"Keith?" Allura asked. "What the quiznack are you doing in there?"

Keith stood up and stepped out of the crate. He stretched his arms into the air and arched his back a bit.

"Well," he explained once he was done stretching, "You're always complaining about how no one helps you, so I thought I'd help. But then I got here before you and I decided to take a nap while I waited."

"I appreciate the help," Allura said, "But why would you chose to nap in a crate?"

Keith shrugged, "Seemed comfortable." He picked up the lid to the crate he had been sleeping in and put it back on the crate. Then he picked up the crate and carried into the ship, leaving Allura very confused as to what just happened.

A Game of Keith and MouseWhere stories live. Discover now