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"What are you looking at?" Lance asked, tossing himself onto the couch next to Shiro and Adam.

"Just an old photo album," Adam explained, not moving his head from Shiro's shoulder.

"I got Adam a camera for Eid one year and he became obsessed with photography for a while. We've got so many photos in boxes that are just of Keith sleeping or unremarkable desserts."

Lance looked at the page the couple was on. It had a pink and orange color scheme, with the words 'Adam's Favorite Dumbasses' in sparkly letters on the top. The page contained several pictures of a young Keith and Shiro in various predicaments.

"I took a picture of every interesting thing. Unfortunately, Keith and Takashi didn't do many things that were both good and interesting, so most of theses pictures are either boring or vaguely upsetting."

Adam pointed to a picture that Lance couldn't believe he hadn't noticed yet. "Like this one."


"This... is not ideal." Shiro said, looking down at Keith.

"Tell me about it." Adam replied as he rubbed ointment on his arm from where Keith had scratched him. "He won't be able to go to school for a week."

"I was more referring to whether or not this makes us bad parents."

"It absolutely does!" Keith shouted, storming off.

"We didn't have a choice," Adam said, patting his fiancé's shoulder. "He kept biting his stitches. A cone was the only way."

Shiro sighed. "I know. But he's going to hate us."

"It's not like we're making him go to school with a cone on his head. He gets to stay home and read books. That was my dream as a kid."

"Adam, you are the only kid whose dream was to skip school to read."

"You're the only kid who never outgrew his dream of being an astronaut."


"Plus, the cone I got is perfectly humane. It's the same kind my mother used when our dog, Mister, broke his penis. That's how he got his name, actually. Because he started misting pee everywhere."

Shiro frowned. "That's why he was named that?"

"Well," Adam admitted, moving his hand back and forth in a so-so sort of way, "His name was Mister Smith before. But then my Aunt started calling him Mister and it just kind of stuck."

Shiro opened his mouth to respond, but didn't because at that moment, Keith started yelling from the other room.

"I can't get through my fucking door!"

Adam put his hand on Shiro's arm. "I'd tell him to mind his language, but I feel like it's justified this time."

*end flashback*

"That is the best story I've ever heard!" Lance laughed, "Shiro, why didn't you tell me this story sooner? It would've been great for team bonding when we first formed Voltron!"

Shiro shrugged. "It didn't come up. Plus, I didn't have the scrapbook. No one would have believed me."

"And it's not a great story. It's embarrassing for everyone involved," Adam said, "We wouldn't have told you at all if you hadn't seen the picture."

"Well I'm glad I saw it, because it was comedy gold."

Keith walked into the room. "Shiro, the Blade of Mamora's having some trouble convincing Allura to forgive Lotor for the whole quintessence relapse thing, regardless of the genocide being a ploy. Kolivan wants you to talk to her."

Shiro sighed. "Even though I'm not the black Paladin anymore, my work is never done."

Adam kissed his temple. "It's because you're such a great leader, 'Kashi."

"Thanks, Love." Shiro said, setting down the scrapbook and standing up.

Lance swooned. "Aww. You guys are so cute. Keith, why don't you ever say stuff like that to me?"

Keith ignored Lance's question and walked over to the couch. "What are you guys looking at?"

"Just some old memories," Shiro said, trying to stand so Keith couldn't see the scrapbook. "Nothing you don't remember."

Keith pushed past Shiro and grabbed the scrapbook. "What the- Adam! You took a picture of that? Why the Quiznack would you take a picture?!"

"Because it's hilarious!" Lance answered for him, "I would've taken a picture, too."

"You're not helping his case," Keith said. He glared at Adam. "This is why you got the World's 2nd Best Dad mug that year."

Lance shook his head. "That's cold."

"Not as bad as when he called me nothing but 'Sir' and 'Papa' for a week," Adam said. "He only busted those out when he was really mad."

"What an interesting childhood," Lance said as he scooted closer to the scrapbook. "Keith, why don't you ever talk about your kid years? Surely it's not all bad memories like this one."

Keith frowned. "Lance, if you think this is a bad memory, you are not ready to hear about the time before I met Shiro and Adam."

Keith turned to Shiro and gestured at the door. "Ready?"

Once Keith and Shiro were gone, Lance picked up the scrapbook and passed it back to Adam. "So... got any more embarrassing stories?"

A Game of Keith and MouseWhere stories live. Discover now