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Notes: Here it is. The last chapter. I hope everyone likes it, because I had a lot of fun writing it.

Lance knew that Keith hated his birthday. For the first few years of his life, he had celebrated it with his dad. But after his dad had died, Keith's birthday became a sort of cruel reminder of how many years had passed since he had been happy.

When Keith met Shiro, his birthday became a sort of non-issue. Adam always made him a cake and Shiro had always thrown a little party, but Keith didn't like to do it up big.

Lance didn't understand hating your birthday (he always celebrated his for at least a long weekend,) but he tried to respect it.

Most years, anyway. This was going to be Keith's first birthday since they had gotten back on Earth, so Lance was throwing a party. He had tried to keep it small and only invited the paladins, Coran, Adam, Lotor, and Krolia. He hadn't even invited Romelle, but that was mostly because she and Lotor didn't get along since the whole... misunderstanding.

It's best not to rehash that whole ordeal.

Last year for Keith's birthday, Keith was on a space whale, so Lance hadn't been able to celebrate it with him. To make up for that, Lance was giving him two birthday presents this year.

One of the things he was getting Keith was a fancy knife polishing kit. It had a bunch of weird cloths and creams and rocks that Lance had no idea what to do with, but he figured anyone who loved knives like Keith did would know what they were for.

The other thing Lance got him was more of a prank gift, if he was being honest. He was getting some lizard food for his nephew's lizard in a PetSmart when he saw it. A display of collars that claimed they would fit any cat, no matter the size.

Lance immediately thought of how when Shiro first found Keith, they thought he was a freakishly large cat. He wondered if any of the collars would have fit him.

Then, Lance thought of something hilarious. He would give Keith the collar as a birthday gift. At the register, he threw some cat treats onto the counter to give with the along with it.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted, jumping out from hiding places.

Keith didn't react as well as Lance had expected. He pulled out his knife and pinned the nearest person (Pidge) to the wall after kicking Coran in the crotch.

Keith looked embarrassed when he realized that his and Lance's apartment hadn't been broken into. He was surprised when he found out that he had been thrown a party, and even more surprised that anyone had shown up.

"It's a surprise party!" Lance hastily explained, "Where we celebrate your birthday and eat cake and give you gifts. Not an ambush!"

"What?" Keith said when Lance explained to him. "Why would you throw me a party?"

"Because you're our friend," Pidge said, moving Keith's knife away from their throat and unpinning themself from the wall.

After Coran's crotch had been tended to (a phrase Lance thought he'd never say,) and everyone had eaten cake, it was time to open gifts.

Shiro had gotten Keith a motorcycle helmet, Lotor had gotten him a shampoo good for Galra hair, Krolia had gotten him a jacket, and Adam had knitted Kosmo a sweater. Lance's gifts were the last to be opened. First he opened the knife kit.

"Oh, cool." Keith said, planting a kiss on Lance's cheek. "It's even got a sandstone sharpening wheel. Thanks, Lance. I love it."

Then he moved on to the collar. His reaction wasn't nearly as funny as Lance thought it would be. At least the other paladins' reactions made up for it. When they saw what was in the package, the group let out a collective groan.

"Right in front of his mom?" Hunk hissed at Lance.

Lance was sure others were about to begin berating him, but then Keith said, "Nice. Thank you."

"You..." Allura asked, "You like the collar and cat treats?"

"Yeah." Keith said. "This is a nice collar. It looks about my size, and the treats are human grade."

"I mean," Krolia said, "I understand the tuna flavored snacks. Those could be tasty. But why the collar?"

"Good lord." Shiro said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Pidge tried to hide their giggling. Adam looked quite uncomfortable.

Keith shrugged. "It's cute."

"I'm afraid Krolia and I still don't understand Earthling culture," Coran laughed. "But enough sitting around! It's time to play pin the snout on the Clamurel!"

Once no one was listening, Keith pressed his lips against Lance's ear. "We'll use it tonight."

A Game of Keith and MouseWhere stories live. Discover now