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Sophie's POV

I'm going to Nash and Cameron's place so Cam can help me with my depression and fear,Taylor helps me with my Anxiety because he has it too,I knock on their door then Cam answers "hey Sophie" he says "Hey Cam"I reply after him showing me ways to get over this stuff and using words to make me believe that I'm worth something and I'll Never be forgotten it relieved my depression a lot "thank you Cammy"I say then hug him "no problem"he hugs back,we hear Nash laughing really hard at some tweet which said '@NashGrier: @Sophie_hi_ and @CameronDallas were kissing after they were working on her problems' matt texted me

Matt:Sophie how could you kiss Cameron

Me:I didn't all we did was hug Nash made a stupid fake tweet

Matt:sorry I find that so hard to believe,you and Cam always lie,and hang out together a lot and it upsets me

Me:sure we do lie and hang out a lot because we are close friends Matt,you know that I wouldn't do that ever

Matt:I still don't believe you we're done

Me:just know that I'll always love you but you broke my heart because of something that isn't even true you're being so stupid right now I'll just pack up and leave sorry for trying to tell you the truth Matt

he saw my text but didn't respond a tear rolled down my face "I hate you Nash Grier"I say then tell Cam what as happened then he said "let's just move to L.A we can start over with a couple of friends;Carter,Taylor,Aaron,mahogany,Nash's brother,and both Jack's"he said "yes! and Jacob and Shawn they calm me down by singing a lot"I say "okay let's do it my friend is giving away his old house which has so many room's that can fit two in each"Cam says "okay since we are only like 4 hours away let's just hurry and get this done"I say,I go and pack up from Matt's house then tell him I'm moving out of the state with my friends,

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