07- Love

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$apphires POV

we had to move again to Florida because of Matt but me and Sammy are moving next door to everyone else,I love Florida because most of my memories are here like when I had a chance to sing for people but I just know today's gonna be a bad day it's like a sister intuition or sibling connection or something because I have a 15 year old sister Alexia and a 2 year old brother named Jackson,well we call him Jack so I ask my mom since my family is in Florida if they wanna meet up with me and everyone and she said sure so to Disney World once we get there everyone is vlogging like normal "so babe one why do you have minnie ears and two how exited are you"Sam says putting his camera in my face "one Because I can and two very because I get to see my baby after months even his birthday is today"I say jumping up and down my amazing ex boyfriend Luke Hemmings texts me to turn around "hey Baby"he says "lukey"I say jumping into his arms "hows it goin little one"he says "oh fuck you just because I'm a few inches shorter than u doesn't mean you can pick on me"I say "what would do about it"he says "u don't wanna know"I say and my mom pops up out of nowhere with my baby Jackson "hi mommy let me see my baby"I say and she gives me Jackson "hi baby,happy second birthday"I say he already caught the hearts of my friends by looking at them with his piercing blue eyes "Sammy are you jealous that even little boys love me more"I say "yes"he says putting his head down I lifted it up and kissed him "but you're my one and only"I say looking into his eyes I give Jackson to my mom and I go see my dad "daddy"I giggle "princess"he says we hug which seemed like forever and my dad starts tearing up even my mom "what's wrong"I ask "umm it's about Jackson"my dad says "what about him"I ask "he has cancer"he said at those words my heart started breaking I couldn't believe this 'he's just a baby he doesn't deserve this' was all I could be able to think,but me and Jackson will spend a lot of time together I can't loose him he's my little baby I needed to have all the time ~a week later~ I'm sitting around with Luke and I'm singing to him "I've been ignoring this big lump in my throat I shouldn't be crying"I sang after that one "little do you know how I'm breaking when you fall asleep,little do you know I'm still haunted by the memories……I'm trying to forgive but forgetting is a harder fight"I sing then me and Luke record a younow "hiii guy's I'm here with two losers My BEST FRIEND Luke Hemmings and my bae Sammy Wilk"I say "I'm Sammy"sam said "well no dip Sherlock"I say I read a question by a fan 'Sapphire,do you like Bad boy's,Nerds,or Good boy's' "ummm Sorry Sam But bad boy's just because I can teach them some lessons"I smirk then laugh then Sammy reads one 'what do you love most about sapphire' "her laugh,her voice,her personality,her eye's,and the fact she's strong and Beautiful"he said I mumble "I'm not strong or beautiful nobody likes me I might as well not get to 2015"but not quite enough both of them herd and I call my friend about a movie roll

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