04 new relationship?? maybe or not

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Sapphire's POV

me and Taylor may be a "thing" because after that one kiss we never left each other's side,Rylee and my other best friends Melanie and Maggie are moving to Los Angeles because I'm there and Maggie is moving here because of her boyfriend Carter,right when I woke up I had get ready to pick them up from the airport it's like 6:42 A.M I am no morning person I'm a night owl so I took a shower then got dressed in my you got a bae or nah crop top,white high wasted shorts,my snap back hat,my black vans,and my pokemon phone case,I can't believe that my best friends are gonna be my neighbors hell yea right as a grab my keys Taylor wakes up "where u going"he asked "picking up my friends from the airport why"I reply "just wanna know"he says as I ran out the door once I got there I can see them as they got in my car "Get in losers we're going shopping"I say then laugh "you are the white girl"Rylee says "at least I am awesome doe"I say as we pull up to my house "you guy's coming"I ask "okay okay"Melanie says right as the I open the door I can hear those idiots be so fucking loud that it was so funny "HEY LOSERS I'M BACK WITH PEOPLE"I yell "COOL BITCH"I Nash yell "NASH YOU'RE GONNA DIE NOW"I yell then ran upstairs then tackled him to the floor "SERVES YOU RIGHT MOTHER FUCKER"I yell I run back down and helped my friends move in then the house on the other side of mine someone is moving into it,I stare for a while "Sapphire you know Matthew Espinosa right"Maggie asked "He's my ex we still love each other"I say I just feel like crying rn and die in a hole since Matt accused me of something that I didn't do my depression,Anxiety,and fear of Oblivion got worse I fall down because I'm having an anxiety attack,because of how hard I fell I blacked out when I woke up all I see is Matt mumbling something then I was able to hear him I guess he thought I was gonna die because he was saying "Stay stay stay please stay with me Sapphire please I-I love you I'm so sorry"he said "I'm not going anywhere"I say he cracked a smile "why are you here and how did you find me"I say "then don't put your location and I came here to make it right for us"he said I was in total shock that the boy who broke up with me wants to make it right what about Taylor "Matt we should try other people first to make sure that doing that is right we get one other person okay"I say he nodds I kiss him and he kisses me "for old times"I say

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