Optimism Has Its Place

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April 21st, 2016

Optimism has its place...
But, so does doubt.

Optimism and positivity are the most touted traits in the business of Manifestation.

However, speaking from experience, those traits aren't always the most important. Knowing when someone is full of crap and doubting the integrity of some people or situations can be one of the most important traits of your journey towards manifesting your desires!


You NEED your bullshit-o-meter, your scam-radar, your lie-detector.
You NEED to doubt in order to make worthwhile decisions for yourself and attain the things you want most.

When it comes to purchasing or working with others: Think of all of the reasons it will work, and then... Think of all of the reasons it might not.

Never doubt your dreams and goals or their attainability, but have a healthy practice of doubting anything you have to pay for, especially if:
1) It isn't accredited.
2) You haven't done any research on it.
3) You get bad vibes.

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