Chapter 4: Reunion

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Rei, Takashi and Ramirez are quietly walking in the streets of Tokyo. Ramirez Pytaek LMG is drawn to the streets seeing if there are any threats that might come and hurt/kill them.

"Hang on. That guys back there had a motorcycle helmet on. What if his bike is somewhere around here?" Takashi said.

Ramirez activated his helmet's x-ray vision and scanned the area for any motorcycle. He tirned right and saw an orage motorcycle lying down on the grass. "There I think that's the one." He pointed out to them in the grass.

The soldier and the survivors went over and pulled it up onto the sidewalk. It was a simple motorcycle with an orange paint job. Ramirez opened the gas tank and saw that there was some gas. This would be useful in getting to the Police Station. "Okay, this is great and all, but there are three of us..." He looked at the couple and nodded.

"I'll find my own. Don't leave without me." Ramirez jogged in the other direction and began his search for his own transportation.

Seeing that there are no other motorcycle around the area he decided to just ride a car. He searches for a car. Although many cars in the street are either destroyed or cast on fire.

He went to a parking lot and saw an orange pickup truck. He hacked the car first and disabled the cars alarm system before breaking it. Thanks to his friend Miguel he taught him, how to hack basic transportation and other electronic devices with ease. Hot wiring the car was easy as the engine starts and drove off with the other two.

He arrived at the scene and saw Takashi and Rei. "Stay close behind me alright." The two nodded before driving off to regroup with the others and his teammates.

After driving for about two hours, barely any zombies were seen. The roads were clear and, surprisingly, the scooter was keeping up with the motorcycle. Night had come, the sky was enveloped by a pitch-black and an eeriness filled the air. They stopped on a road that overlooked a portion of the city. The undead filled the streets below as well as abandoned cars and buildings. Takashi, Rei, and Ramirez stopped. The boy asked the soldier, "Hey, we saw a few dropships earlier, was that you guys?"

"No. We're the first from America to be deployed here," Ramirez informed as he looked out onto the streets.

"I see..." Takashi said, he looked back to Pepper, "What's the plan for after we reach Takagi's house?"

"Best case scenario is that all of you will get there in one piece, not sure about Mr.Shido and his followers. But once you're there nice and safe, my team and I will have a new mission and stop the infection before it goes worldwide." Ramirez responded only for Rei and Takashi to nod in understanding.

They drove off, leaving the undead to do nothing but chase the sounds of their engines. Eventually, they reached the city and found that the streets were, again, empty. Perhaps the zombies were following the sound of something else? It did not matter, for the time being, they were safe.

They saw red and blue lights flashing in the distance, coming from an intersection ahead. "Let's check that out. Maybe they can help." They gave their vehicles a little gas and were over there in no time.

It was for naught, however; the driver was dead. His car was crushed by a garbage truck. The lights were just on from the time he was alive. "Damn." Ramirez said as he got off his car and held his LMG.

Ramirez kept it aimed at the driver's seat. "Stay behind me." He ordered. They did as he said. He opened the door by pulling the handle and throwing it open. He trained his submachine gun on the driver and kicked his hand hanging at his side. "Okay, he's dead."

The heavy gunner held his weapon on his shoulder so that the barrel pointed upward. He tapped the side of his glasses, activating his magnetic vision and found that there was no movement around him. "We're clear." He informed the survivors behind him as he turned to look at them.

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