ch.6 Neil marries avni

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Avni is not naive as you think she is..She is behind your family..She wants to ruin your family..she is using you said Mitali

Neil get shock.

What are you saying? are you out of your mind why would she do this ask Neil.

I don't know but.. Mitali was about to say but Neil stop in mid.

but I know said Neil.

What you know ask Mitali.

Yes i know you are saying this because you are jealous of Avni said Neil in anger

You are getting me wrong..Avni is not a right girl for you,she is using you said Mitali.

Neil slaps Mitali in anger.

Not a word against Avni..Get lost from here before i lose my temper said Neil.

Neil plz listen to me said Mitali.

I said leave from here said Neil.

Mitali leaves.

I have to find out whether she is telling the truth or not thinks Neil.

Neil calls his agent,i want to find every single details of Avni Mehta said Neil and cuts the call.

Avni if you are playing any games with me than you are gone said Neil to himself.

Avni comes home from college.

Mom i am back said Avni.

Avni sees Neil photo on the table.

Why is Neil photo is in my table thinks Avni.

Neela sees Avni is staring at Neil photo.

You must be wondering why Neil photo is here.

Prakash khaana has come here with his son proposal said Neela.

What did you say to him ask Avni.

He has given me time to think and i don't find any fault in this marriage,i really think you should move on said Neela.

so this is Neil plan but If i get easily convinced,mom will get suspicious thinks Avni.

No mom i can't get married to Neil said Avni.

I know you love Vidyuth a lot but please think about yourself said Neela.

Your mom is right you should move on said ragini.

But maa how can i,ok i need some time said Avni and goes from there.

Avni come to her room and call karan.

Neil dad had came to my home with marriage proposal said Avni.

That's good..Our plan is working said karan.

But What's next ask Avni.

I have to think that but i think you should meet Neil before saying yes so that he don't get suspicious about you said karan.

I think you are right said Avni and cuts the call.

Avni calls Neil.

I want to meet you said Avni.

I Knew you will call me said Neil.

Meet me in garden said Avni.

Ok said Neil.

Ok said Neil

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