ch.7 Avni shweta conflict

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Next morning

Neil wake up with heavy headache.

Why i am feeling dizzy..Why i am having bad headache, said Neil to himself.

What Happened last night thinks Neil.

Why can‘t I remember anything said Neil to himself.

Neil recall having milk.

Avni cheat me said Neil to himself.

Avni comes there.

Neil get off from bed and goes to Avni.

How dare you do this to me said Neil to Avni and twist her hand to her back.

How dare I..I ask you how dare you think that i will sleep with you..Get Straight in your head that i am not interested in you said Avni in anger.

Look you...

Neil was about to say something but they heard a knock on the door.

Shweta Ma'am is calling you guys downstairs said maid.

Ok said Avni.

We are not over yet said Neil.

Avni goes.

(Imagine Avni in this dress

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(Imagine Avni in this dress.)

(Imagine Neil in this)

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(Imagine Neil in this)

Avni comes downstairs.

You are late said shweta.

Sorry said Avni

Look if i say truth.. I don't like you because you are not like us..I want my son to marry a girl within our status.Every college girl is crazy for my son but he marries you..Maybe Because he likes you so this is your responsibility to take care of his needs..If Anything happen to my son or you made him suffer,remember i won't let you live peacefully..Hope you understand said Shweta.

Are you trying to threatening me ask Avni.

I know you are not that innocent that you made yourself look like.I compel to accept you but remember one thing my eyes are on you said shweta.

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