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August 26, 2019

The weather was miserable. Humid rain fell making everyone feel slightly damp.

Aliya hated this weather, but it gave her an excuse so that she could curl up inside and read a good book. She had just gotten a new book from her local bookshop so she was excited to start it.

She had been living on her own for a long time now. Her ex-boyfriend had lived with her with the promise of an engagement. But when he never asked the question, she broke up with him.

Aliya was looking for stability, someone she could count on.

That was apparently harder to find than she thought.

But she was content. There were times of sadness when she longed to be held and comforted, but overall she was okay. It gave her time to focus on her, get her life together. She was only twenty-six she kept reminding herself.

Even though it was warm, she decided a nice cup of hibiscus tea would go lovely with her new book.

She filled her kettle and put it on the stove, waiting for it to boil. She picked up her book and began to read while she waited. Soon enough she heard the soft scream of the kettle and poured herself a mug.

She sat down in her chair, she avoided reading in bed because it only made her tired.

Page after page she read her book. Engrossed in the storytime passed quickly for her.

But there was still that ache deep in her stomach that longed for someone.

She poured herself the last of her tea, the tea leaves sticking to the bottom of the kettle.


The house seemed to shake.

Aliya, startled, dropped her mug on the floor, shattering it. The hot water burned her feet and she cursed herself for being so reckless.

Was that thunder, she thought to herself. It was so loud, it was like it was right next to her.

She turned to go get a towel to clean up her mess when she saw him.

A man stood in her living room staring at her.

Aliya screamed and backed up.

"Who are you! What are you doing in my house!"

"Woah, chill sister, you summoned me." He said.

"What the hell are you talking about!"

"You summoned me... did you not?" He asked slowly.

"What in the world do you mean summon! I have no idea what you're talking about!"

The man walked toward her, looking around. He paid no attention to the glass that was on the ground and looked at her kettle. He cursed.

"What is going on?" Aliya asked, sensing that the situation was not as tense as before.

"You summoned me alright, but not on purpose. Here, look." He motioned Aliya forward and she carefully made her way to him.

Looking inside the kettle she saw the tealeaves were in a sort of pattern.

"So that... summoned you? What the hell are you?"

"I'm a demon."

He said it so matter of factly that it made her laugh.

"A demon? Really? So where are your horns and tail then?"

"Haha, no. We're not that cartoonish."

She studied him. He looked like a regular guy. He was dressed in a nice suit, his brown hair combed into place and she noticed he had freckles splashed across his face.

He was rather attractive actually. Really looking at him this close took Aliya by surprise.

She took a step back and cried out in pain as she stepped on a piece of glass.

"Ow!" She looked down and saw a small piece embedded in her heel.

"Allow me." The man took hold of her foot and retrieved the glass with ease. He laid his finger over the wound and when he took them away, it was gone. Perfectly healed.

"What the! It doesn't even hurt!"

"You're welcome."

"Yes, thank you." Aliya blushed.

They stood in awkward silence.

"So... what now?"

"Well, you summoned me. I'm here to do as you please."

"Oh well, that's not necessary. I didn't do it on purpose. You can just... leave."

"I'm afraid I have to do something. It's in the rulebook." He said laughing. "So, what would you like?"

Aliya thought for a moment and then smiled before speaking.

Word count:  715

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