Expiry Date

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Next time you're munching on that packet of Doritos,
Look under it.
Written in tiny digits, you'll find a date.

Expiry date.
That's what it's called.

Surprisingly enough,
Everything has an expiry date.

Nothing lasts forever.
Nor will I .
Nor will you.
Everything perishes after it's fair share of time.
Nothing promises us a tomorrow.
So,treasure all of it while it's still there.
Look at it.
Smile at it and make sure to secure and protect what's yours.

The path you're taking might be swept away by a storm.
The only thing you're holding on to might be taken away from you in the blink of an eye.

You're sad today.
Your pain might end tomorrow.

You're happy today.
But,you might run out of time tomorrow.

You don't know what you have,
Until it's gone.
You won't realize the value of a moment until,it becomes a memory.

Don't live like you have seven lives.
Because,you don't.

That kid that smiled at you.
The cat that curled up at your feet.
The last bar of your favourite chocolate or the letter you found in your desk,
Be grateful for everything.

But,everything lasts longer if taken care of.
So if you've got it,cherish it.
Because,what you take for granted is probably something,
someone is dying without.

Not everyone and everything in life will wait patiently for your great epiphany.
Be quick.

Clocks tick faster than you can imagine.
So please,
tell her you love her.
Get drunk and dance your heart out.
Visit every place you want to.
Eat all of that white sauce pasta.




Just live your life meaningfully without regrets.

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